By Dr Maung Zarni
RB Analaysis
September 25, 2017
Rakhine human rights activists have been found to be reading Mein Kampf when they were exiled along Thai-Burmese border towns such as Mae Sot.
Nazi symbols are often used publicly - with such public approval by those who want to exterminate Rohingyas in particular and all Muslims in general.
Rakhine political leaders and intelligentsia, including the Rakhine member of Kofi Annan Commssion - Daw/Mrs Saw Khin Tint - are often found speaking in genocidal discourses.
I have long developed a sensitivity to this genocidal discourses, having studied at the U. of Wisconsin at Madison with a former SS-interrogator, a historian of Nazi Germany the late Robert H. Koehl. (My main thesis adviser was Michael W. Apple, but Koehl and I had a shared interest in totalitarian regimes and ideologies that are used to justify them).
Myanmar's FAKE NEWS generated by both the gov. and the civil society
Do you know what "mirroring" means, in genocide studies?
Myanmar - gov and public - engage in genocidal Fake News.
The picture is about Myanmar Tatmadaw laying anti-personnel landmines.
The Burmese caption reads "ARSA terrorists laying landmines. Please report this to the Tatmadaw."
Genocide scholars have a term for this "mirroring", that is, attributing the genocidal killers' intent to the victims.
In the same vein as Myanmar's official and popular mirroring discourse (e.g., "Bengalis burn their own hoems") the Hutu Rwanda genocide perpetrators said "they (Tutsi victims) killed themselves. Because they didn't want to live with us peacefully).
In this genocidal context Myanmar journalists, cartoonists, academics, as well as techno-professional classes such as doctors, engineers, accountants, etc. partake in the country's orgy of genocidal violence, symbolically and literally.
Here is a cartoon by the nationally acclaimed cartoonist Aww P Kyael. He was admitted into a MPA program at Harvard's Kennedy School, on Aung San Suu Kyi's recommendation about 15 years ago.
Aww P Kyael |
His cartoon depicts Rohingyas' cries as "crocodile's tears", crocodiles claiming they were 'forced to flee their native land".
Here is Irrawaddy News Group Founder and Chief Editor Aung Zaw engaging in genocidal denial (and he offered the most notorious interview with former Thein Sein Information Minister ex-Col. Ye Htut, helping the latter frame Rohingya issue as "jihadist' issue).
Besides, we have Oxford and Cambridge-trained professionals and researchers who also partake in this loathsome process.
This one (above) is reportedly proven Fake News - "Bengalis burn their villages down" - generated by aung San Suu Kyi's spokesperson, Director General in the President's Office ex-Major Zaw Htay. Suu Kyi's Fellow at Oxford was circulating it on her Facebook timeline, approvingly.
Another one is Aye Thein, former English teacher from Rakhine (see below):
"Eyewitness account of four villagers being attacked by machete-wielding Bengali mob. This man escaped, one sustained injuries and two (one his brother-in-law and another a relative of his were murdered).
Interview script (minus questions from the interviewer).
My name is [.…]. I am from Tarain Village. So, four of us left the village on motorbike looking for those who were missing. We didn't go far and given that we couldn’t find anyone, we just said to ourselves “All right, let’s go back”. On our way back, a mob of Kalars (Bengalis) brought down machetes on us. It was so cruel. We got separated trying to flee their attacks. Two of us escaped with one sustaining knife injuries. Sein Than Aung, the one with knife injuries escaped to this own village. My brother-in-law was killed and another one from the village named Ko Ko Thein was also killed. He was also a relative of ours. The name of my brother-in-law is U Aung Kyaw. I saw him being brutally killed (macheted to death) with my own eyes. The Kalar mob was 50-60 strong."
Both Khin Mar Mar Kyi, Aung San Suu Kyi Gender Research Fellow at Lady Margaret Hall (LMH) at Oxford and Aye Thein are involved with Oxford University-run Oxford Tea Circle.
They promote Fake News, provide justificatory analyses for demonization and dehumamization of Rohingyas and gloss over the genocidal nature of Burmese Buddhist racism and racist networks.
Eleven is run by medical doctor named Dr Than Htut Aung, a Rakhine.
This one (below) is from a former Chevening Fellow and a well-known head of a Burmese NGO - Zaw Oo (not Dr Zaw Oo, the former economic adviser to President Thein Sein). He was a member of the MultiCulturalist Network I helped founded inside Burma to fight the racism about 4 years ago. He is also publisher of "Myanmar Knowledge Society" and editor of "Democracy and Human Rights Journal".
The post depicts me as someone who is telling the world lies about Rohingyas.
This one is from Miss Myanmar who will contest in the International Beauty Pageant.
What is the link between former US Diplomat, Ne Win's grandson Aye Ne Win, this beauty queen and Rohingya genocide?
When she was head of US Embassy - sub-Ambassador post - in the early 2000's - Priscilla Clapp spent most of her time playing golf with the killer-Tatmadaw generals, and Ne Win's grandsons.
Miss Myanmar , said to be Aye Ne Win's girlfriend, joins the national orgy of Rohingya genocide; cites former diplomat who played golf with killer-generals
This one is from Dr Maung Aye Myo, an army-bred well-known expert on the Burmese military affairs and lecturer in international relations in Japan.
8888 former student leader Mya Aye attacking falsely Rohingyas as "greedy Islamicists" who want a separate state!