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Teardrops on My Book

Teardrops on My Book

Ro Mayyu Ali
RB Poem
January 3, 2017

Days are going on.
Trust and value of men are melting down.
The impurity in the hearts of mankind
That fades away the beauty of human nature
How we're thrilled faking a smile
When others are dying!
Is that human moral?
Hiding a truth in heart is a foetus of great lie.
Thus, I too believe about those days in life.
But never I imagined that
It'd be so swift in these ways.
And day by day,
A new wave of atrocity comes to strike away.
Man sucks men blood.
Governors annihilate civilians’ dwells.
Indeed, mankind turns to wilder.
And quite against the light of morality
And I feel that it's my own.
That I want to author as I'd do.
But, too heinous to take in my soul
And I lose all controls.
My hand begrudges to take hold.
My fingers tame to ink bold.
And teardrops on my book

Lives are passing on.
Love and kindness of men are vanishing on.
The ignorance in the thoughts of human-beings
That wanes out the grace of human etiquette.
How we're apathetic seeing in silence
When others are being eliminated!
Is that human virtue?
Breeding a hatred in heart is an offspring of great pogrom.
So, I too believe in man-made disasters.
But never I thought that
It's be so ruthless in such ways.
And day by day,
A fresh catastrophe comes to exterminate.
Man takes men souls.
Race hectors each other.
Indeed, mankind turns to cruller.
And quite against the charm of humanity
And I feel that it's my own.
That I want to count on as I'd do.
But, too perilous to take in my heart
And I stifle all breath.
My hands envy to take hold.
My pen slips down on the spot.
And teardrops on my book

Note: What the essences depicted in this poem apparently portray upon the inhumane and immoral barbarities against the civilians in Syria and Myanmar as well as the races in Palestine, Yemen and Kashmir.

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