Joint Statement
18 December 2016
Investigation Commission of Myanmar Indulges in Falsehood again
We, the undersigned Rohingya organisations worldwide, strongly condemn the false and fabricated statement of the Government Investigation Commission, led by military appointed Vice-President U Myint Swe, which was released on 14 December 2016 particularly for the following reasons:
1. The members of the Commission made a 3-day trip to Rohingya villages in northern Maungdaw Township, such as Kyigang Pyin, Kyein Chaung (Bawli Bazar), Ngakura, Pyint Phyu Chaung, Praung Pyite, Wabeik, Gwa Sone, Thara Oat, Dar Gyi Zar, Zin Pyin Nya and Kyet Yoe Pyin before issuing this statement.
2. But 95% of the male villagers, including the leading persons of the villages, had been driven out or asked to stay away from their villages, ahead of the visit by the Commission members to most of the Rohingya villages. The soldiers even threatened the villagers of serious consequences if they apprised the commission of any human rights violations committed by the forces there.
3. Despite such threats and pressure some of the Rohingya village elders came out from their hiding places and met with the members of the Commission. In all villages the Rohingya men, women, students and children categorically informed them that the soldiers had committed mass atrocities and indulged in killings, rapes, arson and loots. The commission members heard them without taking any note of what the Rohingyas complained. The Rohingya villagers are aggrieved that whatever they had narrated of the atrocities committed by them before the Commission members their accounts and complaints were deliberately kept out of the statement of the Commission. It is clear that this statement of the commission is not transparent and is devoid of any truth.
4. The news that appeared in the U.K. Guardian newspaper on 10 December that 8 members of the Noor Ayesha of Kyet Yoe Pyin village were killed was a true occurrence. Her 5 children were burned to death, her husband was shot dead, her two daughters were raped before they were killed and she was also raped. A number of Kyet Yoe Pyin villagers knew her family. With her family she indeed lived in Kyet Yoe Pyin until that day of October she lost 8 members of her family.
5. It is a blatant lie that, according to the Commission’s statement, the soldiers did not perpetrate any human rights violations in any Rohingya village. However, such statement does not surprise us as we had already rejected the formation of such Investigation Commission, which in fact is not independent and represents the perpetrators themselves.
6. Therefore, we again demand for an UN-sponsored International Investigation Commission in order to find out the truth and bring the perpetrators of all atrocities in the Rohingya villages to justice.
- Arakan Rohingya National Organisation
- Burmese Rohingya Organisation UK
- Bradford Rohingya Community in UK
- Burmese Rohingya Community in Denmark
- Burmese Rohingya Community in Australia
- Burmese Rohingya Association Japan
- Canadian Burmese Rohingya Organisation
- Rohingya Advocacy Network in Japan
- Rohingya Arakanese Refugee Committee
- Rohingya Community in Germany
- Rohingya Community in Switzerland
- Rohingya Community in Finland
- Rohingya Community in Italy
- Rohingya Community in Sweden
- Rohingya Organisation Norway
- Rohingya Society Netherlands
- Rohingya Society Malaysia
For more information, please contact:
Tun Khin +44 7888714866
Nay San Lwin +49 69 26022349
Zaw Min Htut +81-8030835327
Dr. Hla Myint +61-423381904
Nur Hashim +1 (519) 572-5359
Ko Ko Linn +880-1726068413