
Event: Invitation for 3rd European Rohingya Conference

3rd European Rohingya Conference 

28th and 29th of December 2016 

Esbjerg, Denmark

Dear Rohingya Brothers and Sisters,

Assalaamu Alaykum Wrt. Wbt.

We are organizing 3rd European Rohingya Conference on 28th and 29th of December 2016 in Esbjerg, Denmark. It will be the continuation of 2nd European Rohingya Conference held in July last year. All the Rohingyas living in Europe are cordially invited to join the conference. 

We are aware that there are many Rohingya organizations in Europe today. We are also aware that many of the organizations are doing their best, but individually, in their respective countries. It is not enough; we need to do much more work collectively. Our collective work will make our voice stronger and strengthen our unity and will develop community. The conference will give us an opportunity to get together and building friendship among us. 

We hope you will join the conference in the best interest of the suffering Rohingya people. If you decide to join, please confirm to us not later than 25th December 2016. You can confirm either by writing to or contacting one of the following persons.

You are requested to provide the following information on confirmation.

  1. Your name
  2. Country of residence
  3. Arrival date, time and place
  4. Contact number and/or email address

Please be noted that food, accommodation (not hotel) and pick-up service from the nearest airport (Billund) or nearest bus/train station (Esbjerg) will be provided. You are required to make your own travel arrangement. Your travel expenses will not be reimbursed. Please forward this invitation to all of your contacts so that no one is left uninvited. Hope to see you all in the conference. Have a safe trip.

Best Regards,

Zakaria Abdur Rahim (On behalf of European Rohingya Network)


European Rohingya Network [ERN] is a net work among Rohingya organizations in different countries within Europe. ERN is an independent body that aims to inform the European society as well as international community on dramatic situation of Rohingya and developments in Burma and to initiate and coordinate activities that benefit democratization and sustainable development in Burma.

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