Media release from Burmese Rohingya Organization UK (BROUK)
Date: May 30, 2016
BROUK Strongly urged the US Senate, US State Department, US Assistant Secretary and United Nations, to take immediate action to protect the Rohingyas in Arakan and Rohingya Refugees in diaspora.
BROUK President Mr. Tun Khin made High Level meetings with US Officials and Hollywood Actors in Washington DC and New York in a lobbying tour of United States of America from 23rd May to 27th May 2016.
In Washington DC, BROUK President Mr. Tun Khin had meeting with US Assistant Secretary of State Tom Malinowski, US Senate Foreign Relation Committee, US Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration from State Department, Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission, US Congressional Staff and NGO'S from DC.
BROUK President Mr. Tun Khin briefed update situation of Rohingya people in Arakan and Rohingya Refugee’s situation in all over the world specially in Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, India and Sri Lanka.
In New York, BROUK President Mr. Tun Khin met with Ambassador Sarah Mendelson US Mission to United Nation, EU representative, Missions from ASEAN countries and other State dignitaries.
Mr. Tun Khin President Burmese Rohingya Organisation UK referenced the current situation in Myanmar (Burma) that “We respect the right to freedom of expression and protest, but it needs to be within the framework of the democratic norms and principle”. We are very much concerned that the current waves of protest spreading hate speech and Islamophobia against Rohingya in particular which could lead to violence against them.
Round the clock senses of utter insecurity and abject helplessness on the part of the persecuted and traumatized Rohingya people are prevalent in squalid segregated concentration camps, confined villages and ghettos under siege in Rakhine State.
“The government should not allow people to disturb the law and order situation with threat of violence that could amount to a breach of the peace. The NLD government has the responsibility to protect the defenseless Rohingya people. It has also the responsibility to uphold the internationally recognized principle of having the right to self-identify”.
Mr. Tun Khin also met with Matthew Raymond "Matt" Dillon a Hollywood American actor and film director. Mr. Mat himself an eye witness of the Rohingya conditions in Arakan State and in concentration camps where Rohingya community forced to live. His first reaction stepping in the concentration camps was “No one would live there and now I understand why people would risk their lives to move out of the country and people are forced to live there.” Mr. Matt showed his concern and support in on going Rohingya crisis in Arakan state of Myanmar (Burma).
BROUK President Mr. Tun Khin Urged US Government to Pressure NLD–Led Government,
- To allow Rohingya people to self-identify their ethnic name “Rohingya”
- To take action against those spreading hate speech against Rohingyas and Muslims in Myanmar.
- To allow all internally displaced persons to return to their places, properties and community.
- To end persecution against Rohingya, including restrictions on movement and their basic human rights.
- To lift all the restrictions on operations of international aid agencies in Rakhine State and take action to ensure the security of aid workers.
- To amend 1982 Citizenship Law to conform it to international human rights law and citizenship standards ensuring full citizenship and all accompanying rights to Rohingya.
From the US government,
- To Provide and increased humanitarian aid to displaced people in Rakhine State specially to Rohingya and all other impoverished people in Rakhine State.
- To Provide schools for Rohingyas in IDP camps and allowing Higher Education in Northern Arakan State.
- To Support the establishment on a UN mandated international investigation, such as UN Commission of Inquiry, into the situation in Rakhine State and all policies and laws targeting the Rohingya and other Muslims in Rakhine state.
- To Work building international support for the establishment of a United Nation Investigation.
- To Provide technical expertise and resources to support the government of Myanmar (Burma) and civil society to counter the hate speech and promote such a society in which there is tolerance and equality for people of all races and religions.
Mr. Tun Khin President Burmese Rohingya Organisation UK - BROUK have asked US Government, “This is the high time to intervene and put pressure on NLD-Led Government to take practical steps to make sure the security of Rohingya community inside Myanmar and Rohingya Refugees outside.”