Declaration of the 2nd European Rohingya Conference
Declaration of the 2nd European Rohingya Conference
The second European Rohingya Conference was held between 1-2 August 2015 in Esbjerg, Denmark. It was participated by Rohingya leaders, representatives from Rohingya organisations and communities from all over Europe. The conference discussed issues relating to Rohingya people, their refugees and current deteriorating situation.
The conference:
- Condemned the ruling Burmese/Myanmar government for its policies of ‘Rohingya ethnocide and extermination’ and practice of genocide and other ‘atrocity crimes’ against the Rohingya minority’ with manifest intention to destroy the entire Rohingya people from their ancestral homeland of Arakan/Burma.
- Condemned the ongoing conspiracy to deprive the Rohingya people of their time honoured rights to vote and to hold public offices after they were excluded from the UN sponsored 2014 general census held in March 2014 for identifying themselves as “Rohingya”.
- Condemned the government and extremist non-state actors for obstructing humanitarian aids to Rohingya and Muslim victims of recent devastating cyclone and flood in Arakan and other parts of Burma.
The conference participants expressed seriously concern over the current forcing of temporary card known as green card on ethnic Rohingya requiring them to apply for citizenship by naturalization with ‘Bengali identity’ as foreign residents with a view to denationalizing and dividing the entire Rohingya people while puting them in permanent limbo.
The conference urged upon the UN with the powerful countries to immediately intervene in Arakan on ground of humanitarianism in order to protect the lives, properties and honour of the defenceless Rohingya people so as to prevent further deaths and destructions and relieve the victims.
The conference also called on the European Union to place its responsibility to end genocide and atrocity crimes against Rohingya before its business interests.
The conference demanded the Burmese government to end Rohingya persecution and ghettoization of the internally displaced Rohingya people.
The conference reiterated that by all legal standards the Rohingya are indigenous to Arakan and natural born citizens of Burma, and that political and democratic process in Burma should be all-inclusive and Rohingya must be a part of it.
Meanwhile, the two day conference called on European Union, UN, UK, and USA for the followings:
- To support UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon to take the lead in negotiating free and unhindered humanitarian access in Rakhine State.
- To support an international independent investigation in order to investigate the slow burning-genocide, crimes against humanity and ethnic cleansing and to publicly announce its findings and bring the perpetrators to justice.
- To put pressure on the Burmese/Myanmar government to restore citizenship and ethnic rights of the Rohingya and to sincerely to contribute towards reconciliation between Muslim Rohingya and Buddhist Rakhine for restoring peace and stability in Arakan.
1. Arakan Rohingya National Organisation
2. Bradford Rohingya Community in UK
3. Burmese Rohingya Community in Denmark
4. Burmese Rohingya Organisation UK
5. Rohingya Community in Germany
6. Rohingya Community in Switzerland
7. Rohingya Organisation Norway
8. Rohingya Community in Finland
9. Rohingya Community in Italy
10. Rohingya Community in Sweden
11. Rohingya Society in Netherlands
11. Rohingya Society in Netherlands
For more information please contact;
Tun Khin +44 7888714866
Nay San Lwin +49 1796535213
Dated: 2nd August 2015