Joint Statement
Rohingya Organisations condemn the 'cowardly' murder of 23 young cadets members of the Kachin Independence Army and call for inter-ethnic solidarity
November 23, 2014
We endorse the United Nationalities Federal Council's condemnation of Burma's military and its ruling party in the un-provoked and 'cowardly' murder of young Kachin officer cadets by the Burma Tatmadaw Light Infantry Battalion 389, based at Khaya Bum in Kachin State, by the intentional firing of 105 mm artilleries at the military academy of the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) situated at Woi Chyai Bum on November 19, 2014 at 12:36 PM.
This is the same military and the same ruling political group that has engaged in the 'institutionalized killing' of more than 1 million Rohingya people in Western Burma.
As the most vulnerable and oppressed people of our shared birthplace, Burma, we are most acutely sensitive to the wanton killings and community destruction at the hands of our common oppressor.
Although we have been stripped off our once-officially recognized -not just self-referential - nationality as Rohingya Muslims of Burma under representative governments in the 1950's and 1960's we hold our country's minority communities as our national kin.
Accordingly, we offer our heart-felt condolences to the bereaved families of the fallen Kachins in this most recent incident and those who were killed while defending their Kachinland.
Although we the Rohingya community are un-armed and peaceful - Infact, the only ethnic minority without a standing armed resistance movement - we wish to register our solidarity and empathy to the valiant Kachin freedom fighters and extend our wishes to work together, whenever possible, with other ethnic minority brothers and sisters who are commonly oppressed, exploited and destroyed by the successive racist Bama military regimes.
We believe that inter-ethnic and inter-faith solidarity is crucial for building a progressive political and social force in our diverse attempts to achieve the common goal of a peaceful, democratic and federate Union of Burma where everyone is equal before the law and everyone is entitled to human and civil rights.
Signatories of this joint statement
- Burmese Rohingya Community in Denmark
- Burmese Rohingya Community in Netherlands
- Burmese Rohingya Organisation UK
- Rohingya Community in Germany
- Rohingya Community in Switzerland
- Rohingya Organisation Norway
For more information please contact;
Tun Khin + 44 788 871 4866
Nay San Lwin +49 179 653 5213