March 19, 2025

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Announcement of New Website: Rohingya Today (RohingyaToday.Com) Dear Readers, From 1st January 2019 onward, the Rohingya News Portal 'Rohingya Blogger' will be renamed and upgraded as 'Rohingya Today'. Due to this transition to a new name, our website will be available at www.rohing...

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Maung Zarni, leader of the Free Rohingya Coalition, speaks at a news conference at the Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan in Tokyo on Thursday. | CHISATO TANAKA By Chisato Tanaka, Published by The Japan Times on October 25, 2018 A leader of a global network of activists for Rohingya Mu...

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By Sena Güler | Published by Anadolu Agency on December 1, 2018 Maung Zarni says he will boycott Beijing-sponsored events until the country reverses its 'troubling path' ANKARA -- A human rights activist and intellectual said he withdrew from a Beijing-sponsored forum in London to pro...

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Oskar Butcher RB Article October 6, 2018 Every night in an unassuming shop space located in Mandalay’s 39thStreet, Lu Maw and Lu Zaw – the remaining members of the Burma’s most famous comedy trio, the Moustache Brothers – present their show: a curious combination of comedy, political sa...

Article @ Int'l Media

A demonstration over identity cards at a Rohingya refugee camp in Bangladesh in April, 2018. Image: NurPhoto/SIPA USA/PA Images. By Natalie Brinham | Published by Open Democracy on October 21, 2018 Wary of the past, Rohingya have frustrated the UN’s attempts to provide them with documenta...

Analysis @ RB

By M.S. Anwar | Opinion & Analysis The Burmese (Myanmar) quasi-civilian government unleashed a large-scale violence against the minority Rohingya in the western Myanmar state of Arakan in 2012. The violence, which some wrongly frame as ‘Communal’, was carried out by the Burmese armed forces...

Analysis @ Int'l Media

By Maung Zarni, Natalie Brinham | Published by Middle East Institute on November 20, 2018 “It is an ongoing genocide (in Myanmar),” said Mr. Marzuki Darusman, the head of the UN Human Rights Council-mandated Independent International Fact-Finding Mission at the official briefing at ...

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Rohingya refugees who fled from Myanmar wait to be let through by Bangladeshi border guards after crossing the border in Palang Khali, Bangladesh October 9, 2017. REUTERS/Damir Sagolj MS Anwar RB Opinion November 12, 2018 Some may differ. But I believe the government of Bangladesh is ...

Opinion @ Int'l Media

By Maung Zarni | Published by Anadolu Agency on December 15, 2018 US will not intercede, and Myanmar's neighbors see it through economic lens, so international coalition for Rohingya needed LONDON -- The U.S. House of Representatives Thursday overwhelmingly passed a resolution ca...

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Suu Kyi condemns fake NLD statement, calls for violence in Mandalay to be contained

Fake document (left); original NLD document (right).

July 7, 2014

Aung San Suu Kyi, leader of the opposition National League for Democracy party (NLD), condemned the recent circulation of a fake NLD statement about last week’s riots in Mandalay as a political attack on her party. A day after communal violence kicked off on 1 July in Mandalay’s Chan Aye Tharzan Township, the NLD released a statement warning people to be wary of allowing rumours to “trigger the instability of the public” and urged authorities to investigate whether the rumours of a Buddhist maid being raped by Muslim teashop owners are true. Another statement, falsely attributed to the NLD, was also circulated on social media websites. It used derogatory language – such as calling Muslims “Kalars” – and also called for the arrest of Buddhist monks thatit said had instigated the riots. Speaking to reporters on the sidelines of a parliament session in Naypyidaw on Friday, Suu Kyi reiterated the importance of containing the violence to prevent it from spreading further. However, she hypothesised that the unrest could have been staged to cause problems for her party. “The NLD usually does not comment on such incidents but we tried to be impartial on both sides to prevent further problems,” Suu Kyi said. “We released a statement this time with concern for all parties, and immediately after, someone released the fake version.” “We don’t know who did this but we assume it is a political attack,” she said. “Using religious issues for political gain is against the Constitution and also unethical.” Suu Kyi, a Nobel laureate and a former icon for democracy, has remained silent on issues regarding anti-Muslim sentiment and violence, which has displaced more than 140,000 Muslims since June 2012. Her party’s statement on 2 July urged authorities to keep the public informed. It also called for the protection of people and their properties. “It is undesirable to have unconfirmed rumours not only make people fearful, but also have unidentified mobs committing terrorising acts,” the statement said. “The authorities also should take immediate action on such kind of rumours. They should investigate on the rumours and if true, transparent action should be taken,” it said. “If the news is wrong, authorities should let people know what is right.”

However, in stark contrast, the fake statement called for the jailing of the police force and Buddhist monks who failed to maintain public order, and insulted those who took part in the mob killings. Referring to Muslims as “Kalar”, the statement also questioned whether the alleged rape of the Buddhist woman was consensual. “Unemployed and uneducated people in Mandalay who are not capable of logical thinking and who call themselves the ‘patriots’ are the ones instigating the unrest,” the fake statement said, adding that the public should not “oppress” the Muslims. “There would be no grounds for such an incident taking place if Daw Aung San Suu Kyi was the president of Burma.” Burma has been plagued with frequent and deadly bouts of communal violence since June 2012, when riots broke out between Arakanese Buddhists and Rohingya Muslims in western Burma. The Mandalay riots were sparked by an unsubstantiated rumour that Muslim teashop owners raped a Buddhist woman. At least two people were killed during the ensuing mob violence.

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