January 21, 2014
BRAJ Condemns Raping, Looting, Arresting and Killing Innocent Rohingyas in Maung Daw, Arakan State, Myanmar
Since 13th January, 2014 midnight to till today Rohingya men, women and children are brutally murdered, Rohingya women are being raped and more than 150 Rohingyas are missing by the Police force, Lun Htin, Army and with Bangladeshi Rakhine (Natala) villagers in Du Chiradan (Kelaidong) village.
The new Bangladeshi Rakhine setters living near the existing Rohingya villages have created a very volatile situation which can explode anytime as the new settlers free to commit crimes with impunity. The Government has established many settlements in majority Rohingya areas by confiscating Rohingya land properties. So thousands of Rohingyas families have lost land and have become landless. Hundreds of families have left the country as sustenance is not possible in their own country. In every new Bangladeshi Rakhine settlement the government has put up security guard posts so that the settlers can live without fear.
Now big operation is under way and the whole village-tract is blocked. A total of 1200 Police, Army, Lun Htin and other Bangladeshi Rakhine are involved. Looting, Raping, Murder, torture, killing and demolished by Bangladeshi Rakhines in front of the security forces. The Bangladeshi Rakhine looters held lethal knives in their hands and openly committed crimes while authorities and security kept quiet.
We, BRAJ Condemns Myanmar Government.
- To stop Torturing, Raping, Looting, Arresting, Murdering and Killing innocent Rohingya people.
- To take action against those killed Rohingya men, women and children.
- To allow international media access to investigate the issue.
We, BRAJ appeals to United Nation, UK, US, EU, OIC and international Community.
- To call for independent international investigation in to the violence.
- To allow United Nation peacekeeping force and safety of Rohingya in Arakan State, Myanmar.