RB News
April 22, 2013
Burmese Rohingya Organisation UK President Tun Khin joined EIDHR (European Instrumental Democracy and Human Rights) forum which was organized by European Commission, held in Brussels from 16-17 April 2013.More than 100 Organizations around the world and 400 participants join to the Forum.

During the Forum BROUK President met with Kristian Schmidt, Director for Human Society Development, European Commission and EU Stavros Special Representative for Human Rights. According to BROUK President he raised “the final benchmark referred to in the Council Conclusions was “addressing the status and improving the welfare of the Rohingyas.” This benchmark has clearly not been met, and in fact the status and welfare of the Rohingya has dramatically worsened in the past year following communal conflict, which later evolved into systematic attacks against the Rohingya. The government of Burma has not only failed to provide safety and security for the Rohingya, it has also encouraged those committing acts of violence by validating their prejudice. Government ministers have spoken of the Rohingya being foreigners and President Thein Sein has asked for international assistance in deporting all Rohingya to third countries. During his visit to Europe, President Thein Sein said he has ‘no plans’ to revise the 1982 Citizenship Law, stating ‘the law intends to protect the nation’. No significant efforts are being made to try to enable Rohingya displaced by attacks to return to their homes and villages and a policy of effective apartheid seems to be developing. Therefore, the benchmark of addressing the status and welfare of the Rohingyas has not been met”.
At the same time Tun Khin had sideline meetings with many NGOs and discussed about urgent actions needed governments around the world to stop ethnic cleansing of Rohingyas and other Muslims of Burma.
According to BROUK President he had fruitful discussion on session of freedom of Religion or Belief and Human Rights Defenders Session.