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BROUK President Interview with BBC World Service on Anti-Muslim Violence in Burma

RB News
April 10, 2013

BROUK President Tun Khin highlighted “first they did not take action who involved attacks on Rohingyas in Arakan State since June 2012. Instead of arresting the perpetrators Burmese Government have incited Anti- Rohingya Campaign and Anti- Muslims campaign in Burma. Anti- Muslims campaign was going on for a long time and government allowed to become stronger. During Meiktila attack Security forces were just watching and doing nothing. 

What is going on in Burma today is not a reform. What is happening to the Muslims of Burma is really worrying. Muslim people are not safe in their own country. First they attack against Rohingya Muslim, then Kaman Muslims, Now on Burmese Muslims in Meiktila. 

It is very surprising Burmese Security forces that violently cracked down 1988 and 2007 saffron revolution they did not do anything the thugs. If the Burmese government has willing to stop attack against Muslims they can stop anytime. 

Burmese Government has to stop immediately- attack against Muslims in Burma, arrest those involved attack against Muslims, Anti-Muslims campaigners particularly 969 group. The government also has to introduce anti-racism law for the interest of long lasting peace in Burma."

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