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A Response to Mr. Bilal Raschid

A Response to Mr. Bilal Raschid 

On the webpage of “democracy for Burma” on 10th April, there appeared an article mentioning “Rohingya old name, new label” by Dr. Jacques P. Leider a specialist on Rakhine history and who until the recent Historical conference on Arakan history, in Bangkok on Febuary 9, 2013, denied the identity of Rohingya. Now he says Rohingya is the old name which indicates he recognized Rohingya’s existence in Arakan. He further clarified the historicity of Rohingya in his article. The term Rohingya reached every nook and corner of the world. U.N has also recognized it. UN Human Rights Council Special Rapporteur, Ojea Quintana recognized Rohingya too. Even President Obama, in his address to Myanmar audience in convocation Hall of Yangon University on 19th November 2012 asked Myanmar government to offer Rohingya their due rights. He said Rohingya has also dignity as we all have. 

To my surprise Mr. Bilal Raschid who is said to be the President of Burmese Muslim Association (BMA), either does not know or pretend not to know Rohingya due to ulterior motive of his own. His remark in a recent interview with RFA is ruinous and injurious to Rohingya people. He called them Bengali and said they should have the right of citizenship but their claim of ethnicity is not so right. It is a big insult. Even today dignitaries in Myanmar government use the term “community” instead of calling Bengali. Let me ask him; “are you only comfortable only when you can say something against the interest of Rohingya? Are you aware of your remark how much it destroys the image of Rohingya in this critical juncture of their national life?” I want to request Mr. Bilal Raschid to do his own business. The question of our citizenship and ethnicity is not his business. 

Mr. Bilal, if you can’t help us do not disturb us. Leave us alone. I am writing this note out of my sense of responsibility. I was an elected MP from this Rohingya community and presently leading a political party of the same community whom you opted to call Bengali. 

Thank you.

U Kyaw Min

  1. U Belal Rashid,
    Do you have own qualification to lead Burmese Muslim community? Still I notice you are advertising the popularity of your father and try to get a seat on the political stage. Please remember that we don't care who you are and what can you do but we are capable to handle our cause by ourselves. You may aware for how long we stand and exist on Burmese soil under the worst inhuman treatments by successive brutal regimes.In future to we will be there.

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