Will President Thein Sein carry out his promises to President Obama and Mr. Ban Ki-Moon?
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Photo - AK Rockefeller |
RB News
December 03, 2012
cracking down the mass saffron monks’ peaceful demonstration in Lat-Pan-Daung by the police task forces
on 29 November 2012, the whole Buddhist religious monks have since been
rigorously aroused to put in order for hotheaded entire saffron demonstration
-- which would obviously, many people believe, blame on President U Thein Sein for
impeachment in his executive power --- such a move by mass monks apparently
contrary to the previous similar saffron ‘fair enough demonstration’ held in September, supporting President Thein
Sein for his prudent dialogue with UNHCR high ranking official to expel
innocent Rohingyas people from Myanmar to third country if any accept to them.
the state intolerant managements and survival of the consecutive Myanmar
governments nature been double-cross and relying on provoking among communities
particularly between Muslims and Buddhists, they have really been able to
overcome and easing the relevant crisis by averting original movement through
finding the scapegoats.
divert the mass Buddhist depressing people from recent cracking down on Monks in
Lat-Pan-Daung and in the one hand the government to be seen as champion in
oppressing innocent Rohingyas people --- which many monks will be affectionate
of love--- there, date on 01/12/12, were the random shootings by armed forces
against Rohingyas people who were sheltered in makeshift in Thay-Chaung IDPs
camp—six innocent Rohingyas were deadly hurt in their bodies and it is learnt
that they were being hospitalized in Sittwe and some are very critical
the last September 2012, President U Thein Sein has fortunately delivered a
deceitful landmark speech in the United Nations General Assembly Hall,
promising the world that he would accomplish and fulfill every single
legitimate right of stateless Rohingyas people and that was the last time, before
president Obama’s visit, he could escape from international community’s
criticism pertaining the systematic genocide of Rohingyas people for six months
long ignorance and leaving the chaos uncheck by the government --- even U Thein
Sein could layout sugarcoated words to UNSG and he had happily agreed on it and
warned the Organization of Islamic Countries (OIC) not to rush for the sake of
Rohingyas’ solution at the United Nations session.
sooner had U Thein Sein arrived from the UN trip – which was widely applauded
at Yangon International Airport as a
remark of state successful amoral journey by the mass crowd - than there
were another the historical destructive sweeps up along southern Rakhine state
Muslim minority townships -- such as Min-Bya, Pauk-Taw, Myay-Bone, Kyauk-Pyu,
Kyauk-Taw, Mrauk-Oo, Kyauk-ni-Maw and sporadically in Than-Dway Township too.
chaos has resulted many Rohingyas villages burned to ashes, many innocent
people were burned alive, stabbed to dead, many were forcefully and helplessly
evicted from their houses to be floating on water and as a result mass people
were dead in the floating boats without food and drinking water in the sea.
From June 2012 to before President Obama’s visit on 19 November 2012, the state
sponsored slaughtering and annihilated conspiracy against innocent Rohingyas
people was being evidently applied by the hand of Rakhine state administration
and that of the widely RNDP members along Rakhine state in accord the
government statement.
President U Thein Sein has hurriedly issued an announcement and promised on 18th
November 2012 before arrival of President Barack H. Obama that he would fairly settle
all outstanding issues – Rohingyas people from having locally been displacement
to honorably relocation to their original places and from statelessness to
citizenship in accord the international criteria.
people’ inhumane suffering and continuous sorts of state sponsored discriminatory
policies practicing on Rohingyas by the Union government and Rakhine state
administration have ever been widely acknowledged in international
arena—particularly while Rakhine Buddhists could not keep suppress their ill
feeling and hostility against sisterly Rohingyas community in Rakhine state
since last May, 2012 as of now.
relevant government departments, organizations, police, paramilitary and
military forces, Buddhist monks, journals, journalists and Rakhine political
parties and all identical members are sided by the state discriminatory
policies and all these forces have been the primary sources to carry on all
vicious acts on Rohingyas in the one hand and they have been hampering
international media and journalists’ access to the affected community in fear
of revealing the truth and fitting as perpetrators in caustic action along the way
from the other.
failure to expose the relevant perpetrators in the course of the crisis by the
two commissions which were orderly formed by the President concerning Rakhine
state anarchy, the entire Rohingyas people fairly believe that -- the case not
only to find out the culprits who involved in the chaos but also to blueprint a
lasting solution which will guarantee the legitimate rights of Rohingyas stand in the hand of the international
community -- and also believe Rohingyas’ sensitive issues at this juncture
would not be swept under the rug or kept unsolved by the world civilized human society.
United Nations (UN) is believed to be representing 6.5 billion peoples to shape
the globe as a peaceful coexistence of every nation of the world -- recent
United Nations resolution in regard Rohingyas plight--who are being regarded as
the most persecuted people on earth--the Myanmar representatives to the United
Nations have objected the word ‘Rohingyas’. Similarly, in local, the RNDP’s
board of directors, its chairperson and that of the party members are totally
against the name ‘Rohingyas’ and its existence in Myanmar.
only that, President Obama’s speech inclusion the name “Rohingyas” in Yangon
University Convocation Hall on 19th November 2012 is being echoed by
RNDP party as an absurd objection-- it saying that no matter whoever the most
powerful man on earth or whichever powerful the most organization that be –
both government of Myanmar and RNDP’s attitude toward the name Rohingyas and
the people are plainly a nuisance forever. More evidently, RNDP’s chairperson, U Aye
Maung, and its party members have the nastiest attitude on Rohingyas and they will
not listen to anyone advice from inside or outside—they (U Aye Maung & his
followers) think they are above all.
attitude of the government and RNDP party have proven that if the United
Nations can lawfully recognize such an ethnic group “Rohingyas” of the world as
“the most persecuted one” after thoroughly making them into consideration for
years of constant observation than
everyone of us will easily come to realize that which government is “the most
oppressive and suppressive” and who are ‘the most cruel and vindictive’
sisterly community along with Rohingyas in Rakhine state, Myanmar. The answer
is “the Myanmar consecutive governments and sisterly Rakhine or Magh
has been widely believed that the United States imposed economic sanction on
Myanmar has been subjected its military government brutality on ethnic peoples,
ethnic cleansing, arbitrarily arrest of politicians, long term imprisonment of
political prisoners and all sorts of discriminatory policies against transition
to democratic reform process. People all
walks of live believed that as long as the government failed to fulfill the
commitment it had promised to concerned stakeholders, the premature United
States partial economic lifting on Myanmar would not solve the standing
problems which have been existed unsettled among the ethnic, democratic forces
and pro-military government. It has
been very clear that the United States has proven its commitment to lessen the
economic sanctions, which were time by time imposed in earlier days, after
seeing some steps of Myanmar’s newly quasi-democratic government development.
Myanmarese have been grateful about the government’ careful introduction of
freedom of writing, freedom speech, and freedom of assembling, formation of political
parties, releasing of political conscience, and holding election and
by-election as the promising steps of democratic practice. Freedom of speech,
assembling and writing which had been totally banned for more than fifty years
--for each group of national indigenous people-- have just been allowed to
speak, assembling mass people and writing freely everything even incitement
about bloodsheds which have caused several time eruptions and lost many
innocent Rohingyas people lives along Rakhine state and that still linger to be
the scorching issues as unsolved within local as well as international.
democratic inspired Myanmar activists --who have been struggling against
military government and nowadays participated in the process of democratic reform—do
want to live through and entertain the full right within the framework of
democratization but don’t want for other particularly due to Rohingyas lest
they (Rohingyas) would deserve the same outstanding rights – simply because
Rohingyas people look different than the people in Myanmar and they are of
different religion, race and physical affinity. In our present-day periods, the
grouping has been built within Burmese, who are Buddhists, having the reason of
their common Buddhism faith.
tell the truth, before 11th century Arakan (Rakhine) was an Indian
land with a population of similar to that of Bengal but until 11th
century, they (Rohingyas) were almost Hindu believers. Nowadays’ Rohingyas who
have been residing in Arakan state are the sons of the soil and the descendants
of Indo-Arian people who have first settled in Arakan (Rakhine) state, in
accord with all the historical records the stone inscription which are still
existed in ‘Shit-Thaung-Pagoda’ by the name of “Ananda-Sandra” inscription which
were written in three languages – Bengla, Sanskrit and Pali are all in Nagari alphabet. This has been very
clear evidences that Rohingyas people are two hundred earlier settlers than
Rakhine Buddhist Mongoloid people who are one of the mainstreams of the Mongoloid
the moment, there are survey team works relevant to immigration where there are
Rohingyas Muslims along Rakhine state, during the “form filling-up”, Rohingyas people
could not spell their race as their racial identity-- government staffers do
not like and usually threatening the local Rohingyas to be arrested and
tortured if they say Rohingyas and in some counties Rohingyas are being
arrested and imposed big amount of money who spells the Rohingyas as his or her
racial identity rather than Bengali, which the Thein Sein government forcefully
wanted Rohingyas to be legalized as just
immigrants from Bangladesh --- though
Rohingyas identically being the indigenous of Myanmar along the course
of the then democratic periods in the last 50 years ago—meaning 50 years ago
Rohingyas are indigenous nationalities of Myanmar and after 50 years the quasi
democratic government wants Rohingyas as immigrants Bengali as per the wishes
of RNDP and its alliances in the same nation.
are very concerned about Thein Sein government’ forceful survey on Rohingyas
people to verify our Rohingyas identity into Bengali --- instead the historical
survey should under the supervision of local, regional and international
justifiers be in line of the wishes of the local people. If President Thein
Sein is real reformer of the state affairs of Myanmar, there is no reason to
stop and suppress our Rohingyas people rights which had been in the course of
Myanmar democratic periods fifty years ago.