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Unjust law to arrest innocent Rohingyas

Mahan Min Khant
RB News
November 28, 2012

“In accord the section of an act 436/512, the following listed persons (Rohingyas) from Maung-Daw Township are regarded as absconders from the law by the Judge of Buthidaung township court and that of the court lawyers”

The Union government, Rakhine state government and entire RNDP party members’ manipulated outburst has affected the whole Rakhine state where there are more or less Rohingyas and Kaman people -- the tortured, burned alive, forcefully evicted, dislocated, looted, oppressed, displaced, mass dead in sea water, and multi designed helplessly sufferers are almost all Rohingyas if compared to some Rakhine fake victims who are being stationed in some well arranged camps as merely to show up.

Though, some Rakhine Buddhists people were surely faced with fatality as they intruded and fought with Rohingyas in respective townships --- for instance AnaukPyin village, Rathedaung Township and Yinthay village in Mrauk-Oo Township -- in all about the state for the last six months. No one can deny the evidences while these have even been shown by the satellite photos for further proofs and reminder.

We, the entire Rohingyas people have been simply cheated by the series of statement (how to handle the case of Rakhine state) of President Thein Sein from time to time. U Thein Sein’s occasional statements and announcements in regard the violence and chaos in Rakhine state through radios and official directives have totally been ridiculous and insensible to meet the organized cooperative and destructive effort of the whole Rakhine assailants against the innocent Rohingyas people’ lives and that of the social livelihoods. If president was an honest person and wished to suppress the chaos, he would have done it with in couple of days as did in 2007 against the saffron revolution. Instead, he does drift the subject to prolong into more mess for nonsense chit-chat from every corner of the world.

All Rakhine perpetrators who have blissfully and obediently involved in chaos-- torching the Rohingyas villages and killing innocent people-- be arrested soon and put in long term jails in several prisons of the country in accord the laws. As almost all entire Rakhine mass people have dutifully involved in the massacre of the Rohingyas innocent people, no Rakhine ladies and gentlemen would abscond from an un-arrested if each Rakhine individual involvement is thoroughly investigated. Almost all Rakhine are guilty-less in the last chaos.

Before and after the one sided attack was launched on Rohingyas in accord their preplanned harmonized action, soon all relevant perpetrators from local and abroad have set up to propagate the attack through their several local journals and oversea Burmese programs such as VOA, RFA, BBC and DVA as if the chaos was run by Rohingyas.

To recoil from their (state government, Rakhine state government, RNDP party and mass Rakhine people) sadism and brutal inhumane activities committed on Rohingyas along Rakhine state for the last six months, the respective governments’ tools such as township courts Judges and the lawyers have knowingly designed their own laws to arbitrarily arrest innocent Rohingyas people from each township to shoulder the wrongdoing of the Union government, Rakhine state government, RNDP and mass Rakhine people to over innocent Rohingyas.

The following Rohingyas from MaungDaw Township are being warranted to arrest by the Judge of Buthidaung Township under section of an act 436/512

Details are as the following mentioned.


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