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Thein Sein’s Untold Fifth Point In The Plan To Resolve Rohingya Issue

Qutub Shah
RB News
November 27, 2012

Thein Sein has offered earlier a four-point plan to conciliate the two communities so that they can be able to live together with harmony. The plan includes changing mindsets of many people, promoting education, creating jobs and controlling birth. It was a good plan that brought glad tidings to the hearts of desperate Rohingyas and the ones who are concerned by the issue. But, alas! what is actually being implemented on the ground nowadays is a fifth point unmentioned in the plan. As if he is watering the top of a tree after cutting its roots.

The point is to make the Rohingyas by hook or by crook accept ‘Bengali’ as their race in the current operation in Arakan. The people who are really between Scylla and Charybdis have to prefer accepting it to the muzzle or handcuff. It is indeed government’s step-by-step approach to actualizing the president’s suggestion to Antonio Guterres, “The solution to this problem is that they can be settled in refugee camps managed by UNHCR, and UNHCR provides for them. If there are countries that would accept them, they could be sent there.” This is our president who always chews the gum half-chewed by the Rakhine racists.

Please find attached the forms that the Rohingyas are forced to sign keeping the column of Race BLANK. Translations are also available. A point to be marked here is that these forms are named as ‘Census of Immigrant Families’. Will Obama who said, “No Excuse for violence against innocent people,’’ and the UN that recognized the Rohingyas as the most persecuted minority of the world, do anything?
Form Imam Form Imam and 2 Form 1-2-3 Form 1 and 3

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