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Arakan News Updates: Operations against Rohingyas and Kamans

Nyi Nyi Aung
RB News
November 28, 2012

Pauktaw, Arakan: 
A joint operation of Police, Immigration, NaSaKa (Border Security Force), and In-Charges of the Pauktaw township administration together with the Rakhine Extremists from Rakhine National Development Party (RNDP) is being carried out against Rohingyas and Kamans in the township. The joint department is threatening Rohingyas and Kamans that their access lines to foods and medicines will be cut off if they don’t identify and name the illegal Bengalis among them.

Some members of this operation are:
  1. Aung Myint Oo and Maung Yan Htun, R.N.D.P (Rakhine National Development Party) members of Pauktaw Township,
  2. Than Shwe (Chairman) and Aung Myint Shwe (Secretary) of Ponna Kyi Village Tract, Pautaw Township,
  3. NaSaKa and Police staffs of Pauktaw Township.

The irony is that there no Bengalis among them as they are out and out Rohingyas and Kamans. However, torturing, harassing and forcefully making them to say something unreal is a method of genocide and expulsion of these people that the government and Rakhine terrorists have been using for quite a long time.

The question is what RNDP members are doing with Police and Immigration and others? They are neither from neither governmental bodies in Burma nor from the military. They are just members of a political party that doesn’t hold any authoritarian power. So, all in all, it is no longer secret to anyone that it is a state-sponsored ethnic cleansing in cooperation with Rakhine extremists from RNDP intended to annihilate Rohingyas and Kamans from Arakan.

Edited by M.S. Anwar

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