Rohingyas floating in the river as dead fish
On 24th October, 2012 (i.e. today), over three thousands Rohingyas, whose houses were burnt down to ashes, from Ywa Thit and Ywa Haung villages, Pauk Taw township, took refuge near a bank of a river nearby. Out of all, about two thousands fortunately got chance to load on seven engine boats, fifty five paddling boats and one sampan and headed to an unknown destination, where they hope they can escape from life-risk. When they were on the way, a group of Bengali Rakhine terrorists approached to these floating boats and by many means, these Bengali Rakhine terrorists forcibly made five boats and the very sampan loaded with helpless Rohingyas sunk in the water. Around one hundreds Rohingyas died after this inhuman action. Only one 13-years-old Rohingya teenager survived and could manage to get to another Rohingya-loaded boat. All the corpses have been floating on the water up to now (11:30pm of today). After that, the remaining Rohingyas on the boat discussed and decided to head to a village, May Yurr Kul, Pauk Taw Township. When they reached to the said village, they tried to load off from the boat and get on land. But, cruel Battalion (Hlun Tin) forces and military did not allow them to get on land. After failure to get on land, they all proceeded to Anaw Rhine village. Bad luck followed them that they were again not allowed to get on land. Upon several requests to let to meet a Rohingya, Haji U Mohammed Ullah, a village elder from the said village, five of these floating Rohingyas were allowed to get on land and now (reporting time) these five representatives from the floating Rohingyas are going to meet the said village elder.
The remaining Rohingyas around one thousand and three hundred, who have been stuck near the bank of the river since there were not enough number of boat available, were given final warning by the Bengali Rakhine Terrorists to flee from the river bank before 8:00am of tomorrow (25th October, 2012). In the warning, it was clearly said that they will be killed if they don’t following the final warning. Currently, military take security for them only up to the time of the final warning. None of these victims hopes to see the sunlight of tomorrow.
The information is collected from a villager of Anaw Rhine village.
We appealed OIC and Muslim all over the world please save the life of rohingya Muslim community in Arakan state ,Myanmar government permitted all forces and Buddhist to kill all rohingya Muslim in Arakan state of Myanmar,all Muslim brother,s duty for save Muslim in arakan ,Muslim all Arakan state is very difficult situation ,please save the lives of rohingya community,wild animal governmet Buddhist being killing all Muslim of Arakan ,you muslim all have duty from ''Allah''wake up Muslim brothers all over the world,wake up Islam,Allah is greatest one,Yah Allah save Muslim and Islam in Arakan Myanmar.thousands rohingya Muslim killed, raped,burn,looted ,arrested ,thousands Muslim floating in the river and almost all Muslim is wipe out from Arakan ,please dear Muslim and Islam brothers all over the save Islam from Aralkan.wake up Islam ,wake up.