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ARU, BTF-USA, and IILO condemn new waves of organized violence against Rohingya by Rakhine in Arakan state, Burma


The Arakan Rohingya Union (ARU), Burma Task Force USA, and the International Islamic Lawyers Organization condemn the new waves of organized violence by the Rakhine against Rohingya, in its strongest possible terms. We calls upon the international community to collectively and unequivocally demand the Government of Burma (Myanmar) to immediately
put a stop to the ongoing carnage of Rohingya by Rakhine mobs in Arakan by all means. TheARU expects the Burmese Government and its forces to act according to international standards for the benefit of the entire population of Burma. President U Thein Sein and his Government have a moral obligation to provide equal protection to everyone in Burma regardless of race, religion, and culture. The President and the Government of Burma:

1) Must provide protection to several thousand Rohingya victims in Kyaukphyu, Kyauktaw, Minbya, Myauk-U, Pauktaw, Myaybon, and other townships in Arakan state, where thousands of houses have been torched by Rakhine mobs aided by Rakhine police.

2) Must stop the Burmese authorities and the Rakhine mobs from blocking hundreds of Rohingya families, escaping the violence and floating in the sea or taking refuge in forests, from coming to safety. The victims must be immediately returned to their villages and provide shelter and security.

3) Must honor the memorandum signed by Organization of Islamic Conferences (OIC) and the Burmese Government for operation of OIC humanitarian aid office for the all affected people in Arakan.

4) Must immediately stop the police, Nasaka, and Lon Htein forces conducting house to house search of Rohingya residences, taking the male adults to unknown destinations, and raping women of the Rohingya households.

5) Must not allow the state and local authorities and Rakhine mobs violate the law, must allow international monitoring teams in all townships in Arakan.

6) Must allow an independent and impartial international commission of inquiry to probe theviolence in Arakan.

7) Must not adhere to the segregation policy in Arakan, reinstate the citizenship of the Rohingya, and facilitate integration of the Rakhine and Rohingya communities for the long term and peaceful co-existence.

The ARU calls on President U Thein Sein and the Burmese Government to stop the delay tactics and immediately address the issues facing Rohingya victims in Arakan state.

Prof. Dr. Wakar Uddin(Arakan Rohingya Union)
Dr. Shaikh Obaid (Burma Task Force-USA)
Salem M. Al Shuhri ( IILO, Riyadh)

Download Original Statement here

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