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Special Video Interview with Rohingyas from Refugee Camp, Arakan- Burma (1)

A: Interviewer
B: interviewee

A: You reached here (means camp) so did they (Extremist Rakhine Buddhist, arm-forced) keep your home as it is?

B: They burnt all. They have burnt all. They burnt our Mosque which had been build by British period but not by us. But they don’t know. They arrested Lawyer U Kyaw Hla Aung. Who worked in (AZG).
A: Did they burn your home after you had arrived here or?
B: They burnt all, they destroyed all.

A: So how you get food to live here?
B: They gave us a few rations. We have to rely on this if not from where do we get and who will offer food to us?

A: I have heard of it that Muslim were burning their homes and running away.
B: They pretended to be Muslim wearing Muslim attire and they burnt all. The arm-forced were around. Me myself told them not to burn and kill us brutally but kill us all simply.

Translated by snowy (RB Team)
 Rohingya Business man story

A: Interviewer
B: Interviewee (Rohingay business man and his wife)

A: May I know your name please?
B: My name is U Tin Shwe.

A: Where do you live place?
B: I am from Myo Thu Gee village/ward.

A: when did this riot break out in Myo Thu Gee?
B: It’s on 10.6.12 at 12:00.

A: Can you tell me please about this violence?
B: There were Monks, the village heads who threw with broken bricks to us. The crowd was made up of almost 3000 people. This crowd surrounded our home and threw with stone after that they invaded into our home and looted all of our properties by cars collaborating with monks and Rakhine. Then, they went upstairs and when they found my wife they attacked her with spears and set fire on her and robbed gold. (She got major injury). They were not satisfied after getting gold and did slaughter to her head with knife. (The couple is showing theirs wounds).

A: Can you show me your wound please?
B: Here this is when they attacked with spears.

A: Oh! It penetrated your arm on the spot.
B: Yes yes. It did. Here is the wound of fire on my hand. Here is the wound on my head resulted from being beaten with steel rod.

A: How about you, brother?
B: Its here (showing his hand). This is  effect from being slaughted by knife. They slaughtered my mom and my aunt’s body into two pieces.

A: And?
B: They pulled out them from upstairs to the ground and did slaughter to make two pieces. This crowd did. So both of my mom and aunt died. I have two twins (son). One was attacked at the eyes and the other was slaughtered on the head. My neighbor slaughtered him at the head making into two pieces horizontally. He was brought to the hospital with me, He did not die. But the police kill him with spears. He was brought to no.1 police station. (a hmat tit). He was asked that whose son was he. And when they (police and the crowd) know he is Musar’s son (my son), they beat him to death accusing him that he is Musar’s son who set fire. They killed him.

A: So, you were accused of setting fire?
B: Yes.yes. But I did not do it.

A:  So why did they to did like that is Muslim set fire, is it?
B: No No. We Muslim did not do it. In this village, there are only 3 Muslim homes. My home is the amidst of Rakhine’s. In my homes, our relative and neighbors were hiding at the mezzanine. But they pulled out every body and kill them with various weapons such as knives, rods and spears. When security forces reached, they (the crowd) were keeping killing to us in front of them. But, army helped us once they reach. They brought us to hospital.

A: So I want to ask you a question. They did beat you in front of security forces and police, is it?
B: Yes, yes. In front of security forces. First, we were calm down and did not do anything as this forces arrived. So we left our gold and money and bags as it is because securities were around.

A: So, was this violence in front of police and securities?
B: Yes yes, in front of them. The crowd beat us with knives. Our neighbors guided the persons from other villages who beat us and robbed. The chairman of our ward “U Ngwe Kyaw” himself involved in this case. Still now, we can show our neighbors now who was involved. They took all of our properties with cars. U can ask every body. I do business with the person from Yangon.

A: Let’s say, if the situation would be better and become cool, oh I noted that you had shop right?
B: Now it has been destroyed and demolished. We have 4 shops. All the properties from shops had been occupied by them. When we were hospitalized, the village head himself informed this mob who came to hospital long sward to kill us. So we had to live in the dark room of the hospital.

A: Dark room in the hospital?
B: Of course. We had to live. They came along with sword to finish all of our family. They intended to kill us. But we did not die. The doctor U Thane Htun Aung said why you brought this kalar (blacky) here, why you have not finished them. They told it into English language because we understand both Rakhine and Myanmar language.

A: Let’s say, if the situation would be better and become cool, do you have a will to live in your home again and to open your shops?
B: If we would live again, according to condition we do not think it will be ok. They will loot our properties again. Only 3 Muslim homes are here in the amides of Rakhine.

Translated by snowy (RB Team)


Rohingya Old woman Interview

Q: Interviewer
A: interviewee

Q: Where are you from? 
A: From Zay-Haung Maw-Late (Old-market Maw-Late) village 

Q: The houses are destroyed by putting fire? 
A: No, it houses were not destroyed by fire, they demolished them. Totally demolished. 

Q: Those men came to demolish houses are from same village (ward) or from other villages. 
A: The people are from same villages and from others also. 

Q: Is there any police accompany the crowd? 
A: No. there are no police. 

Q: So those people who demolish houses asked you to get out from your houses? 
A: Yes, they asked us to get out from our houses. They brought knives and spears. We are not even allowed to take our slippers. They said we are not deserved to put on our slippers. They just immediately forced us out from our houses. 

Q: Did they said such word in front of your houses? 
A: Yes, in front of our houses, and we are sitting on the road. And they drag us to nearest camp. While we are at the camp, some said they are going take a list of us, and some said "no need to take list of them" and forced us to board on police vehicle (usually dispatch the criminals). All the children are crying and finally they dropped us near Aung Min Ga Lar Township and forced us to go inside. They said we have to go inside that township and stayed there. This is our place they continued. 

Q: So how you came out from Aung Min Ga Lar Township? 
A: Once we get to the township, U Shwe Hla Aung family help us food and we overnight there for one night. Next day another family from township call us to stay with them. And after that we heard Nazi Village was burning and so many Rakhine people marching in and set fire on "Democracy Market". The fire burning too high and it was about to reach to our place, it already reached near the school, people are running here and there, finally the owner of the big house called all the villagers to take refuge at his house. And finally police and military come to fight fire. Once there is no fire. We moved to another house to take refuge. We stay there about ten days, but we feel not safe. Even at night we heard that some place were set fire. So we asked help from security guards and took a vehicle to move here. 

Q: We heard that Muslims were setting fire on their own houses. 
A: No, how can you set fire on your own houses. There are some Hindus and Marr-mar who look like Muslims and they asked them to set fire. There are so many well-planned cases involved. 

Translated by snowy (RB Team)


  1. Tell me the stupid Bama government, what do you want to claim regarding this interviews. I want UN to bring this Bama extremist and Rakhine terrorists to ICJ for investigation. This is totally genocide and killing all Muslims in Arakan.

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Rohingya Exodus