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Protest Against Burma Muslim Killing In Front of FCO | London,UK

All Pakistan Muslim League UK Leader Mr Saeed Khokhar And Hassan Askari Anjum arranged a protest to condemn the Mass Killings of innocent Burmese Muslims in front of Foreign & Common Wealth Office London on Friday 20th July 2012.

APML Secretary General Barrister M Ali Saif who was on visit in UK, also participated in the protest and given his speech to the peoples of Burma and Pakistan and Condenmed the killings of Muslims and asked Leaders of the world to take necessary actions to make peace in Burma. Saeed Khokhar Altaf Shahid, Fawad Mughal , Hassan Askari Anjum, Ch Tabraiz with other APML leaders also joined the protest and condemn the violation of human rights in Burma. Saeed Khokhar who was the main organizer of the protest, said FCO and International Leaders must take action to stop the killings and give basic rights of Muslims of Burma like all other human beings. He also added Muslims are being killed every where in the world, it is time that Muslims must unite and fight for their rights, added ''Allah does not help those who do not help themselves''.

A memorandum was submitted by Barrister M Ali Saif Saeed Khokar And Hassan Askari Anjum to FCO to get a special attention of British Govt for the innocent peoples of Burma. The gathering was of 100-150 peoples where the protest lasted for 2 hours with slogans and play cards saying, stop killing in Burma, Give them Basic Human Rights of Life, why International Leaders are Silent on such killings of Muslims.

Engr M Saeed Khokhar
President All Pakistan Muslim League (APML) Switzerland
Hassan Askari Anjum
President Student Wing Greater London All Pakistan Muslim League(APML)

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