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Current News on Arakan in Brief (July 8, 2012)

It was reported on anonymity from Molwi village of Sittwe that yesterday at around 11:30 pm, a joint group of military, police and Rakhines in military uniforms went to Hashif village and raped many Rohingya girls. Subsequently, 14 Rohingya girls died.

“NaSaKa in Prampuru village of Maungdaw are demanding 500,000 Kyats per head to release the people arrested in these days. They are threatening that they will kill the people arrested if the remaining members of respective families cannot fulfill their demand” said by Aman from Prampuru. “Therefore, many people are in too difficult situation to fulfill their demands” he added.

On July 6, a Rohingya man from Quarter 2, known as Haarifara village in Maungdaw was arrested, beaten and tortured almost to death by police. Then police threw him at a place near to Hindu village Quarter 4 thinking that he already died. Fortunately, he remained alive and was founded by some people with severe wounds in his body. They picked him up and took to their place. It was reported that his situation was almost to death.

A report sent by A. Alam from Shikdar village that yesterday a Rohingya man was arrested from Bohmuu village in Maungdaw by police and taken to unknown location. His family members are extremely worried about what has been being happened with him.

“Three trucks loaded with police, military and security forces tried to raid Maung Ni village again. Since people had already known about the raid, people in the village could escape to the nearby villages” said by Rahim from Maung Ni village.

Military and NaSaKa in Bagonna and Nurulla villages are constantly threatening to kill the villagers if they don't fulfill their demands such as money, rations, cattle and so on. Many houses were looted. The people in the villages are living under continuous fear of being killed as most of them are facing difficulties to fulfill the demands of mililary and NaSaKa.

Today, Rohingyas are extremely harassed, severely tortured and ultimately being massacred by the evils in the military and some extremist Rakhines who are just manipulating the peaceful religion Buddhism to achieve their own purposes. The edict not to kill or inflict pains on others is integral to Buddhist thought. If they are really Buddhists, how can they commit the crimes against humanity being carried out against Rohingyas who are recognized as one of most persecuted people on the planet and a group of human beings who have high possibility of extermination as described by UN and HRW respectively. Therefore, international communities and peace-loving people in Myanmar, save Rohingyas and do a favor to humanity. Do not simply believe what you see and hear from the state and local media.

Compiled by M.S. Anwar (RB Correspondent)

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