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ယေန႔ေန႔လည္ ၁၂ နာရီ ၃၀ မိနစ္ခန္႔တြင္ တပ္မေတာ္သား ၇ ဦး၊ နတလရြာမ်ားတြင္ အေျခခ်ေန ထုိင္ၾကေသာဗုဒၶဘာသာ ၀င္ ၅၀ ဦးခန္႔သည္ ေမာင္းေတာၿမဳိ႕ေတာင္ဘက္ ၈ မုိင္ခန္႔အကြာရွိ သေရကုန္း တန္းရြာ (ဆုိင္ကူမ္ေဘာ) ရွိအစၥလာမ္ဘာ သာေရးေက်ာင္းႏွင့္ ဗလီကုိ ၀င္ေရာက္ဆီး နင္းဖ်က္ဆီးခဲ့သည္။ 

ထုိတပ္မေတာ္သားမ်ားႏွင့္ဗုဒၶဘာသာ၀င္မ်ားသည္ အစၥလာမ္ဘာသာ၀င္မ်ားအထြတ္အျမတ္ထားရာ အဆုိပါအစၥလာမ္ ဘာသာေရးေက်ာင္းႏွင့္ဗလီအေဆာက္အအုံမ်ားကုိမေလးမစားမထီမဲ့့ျမင္ျပဳခဲ့သည့္အျပင္ တံခါးမ်ား၊ နံရံမ်ားႏွင့္ အေဆာက္အအုံ၏အစိတ္အပုိင္းမ်ားဖ်က္ဆီးၾကသည္။ ဘာသာေရး၏စာၾကည့္ တုိက္ကုိလည္းဖ်က္ဆီးၾကသည္။ အစၥလာမ္ဘာသာ၀င္မ်ားအထြတ္အျမတ္ျဖစ္ေသာ ကုရ္အာန္ က်မ္းျမတ္ စာအုပ္မ်ားႏွင့္အျခားေသာဘာသာေရးဆုိင္ရာ စာအုပ္မ်ားကုိအစိတ္စိတ္အပုိင္းပုိင္းၿဖဲစုတ္၍ သေရကုန္းတန္းေက်းရြာမွ အလယ္သံေက်ာ္ေက်းရြာထိ ကားလမ္းတေလွ်ာက္လႊင့္ပစ္ခဲ့သည္။ 

ဘာသာေရးေက်ာင္းအတြင္းရွိစားနပ္ရိကၡာသုိေလွာင္ရာဂုိေဒါင္ကုိေဖာက္ထြင္း၍ ဆန္ ၄၂၀၀ ကီလုိဂရမ္ခန္ ႔ႏွင့္ အျခားေသာစားေသာက္ဖြယ္ရာမ်ားကုိယူသြားခဲ့ၾကသည္။ 

အဆုိပါဘာသာေရးေက်ာင္းတြင္ ေက်ာင္းသား ၄၀၀ ခန္႔အတြက္အစားအေသာက္မ်ားသုိေလွာင္ထားၿပီး၊ ေက်ာင္းကုိ ေမာင္းေတာၿမဳိ႕တြင္အဓိကရုဏ္းျဖစ္သည့္ေန႔မွစ၍ပိတ္ထားခဲ့သည္။ ေက်ာင္းသားမ်ား၊ ဆရာမ်ား၏အျခားေသာအသုံး အေဆာင္ပစၥည္းမ်ားကုိလည္းယူေဆာင္သြားေၾကာင္းသတင္းရရွိပါသည္။

RB News Desk

Attack on Thareykondan (Sairkombaw) Madrassa

Today on 9 July 2012, at about 12:30 PM, 7 Burma army personnel accompanied by 50 Natala Buddhist settler villagers attacked the senior Madrassa (religious school) with mosque of Thareykondan (Sairkombow) village, 8 mile south of Maungdaw town.

The army and settler villagers entered into madrassa and its mosque and desecrated the premises. Doors and walls of the buildings were  partially destroyed. The library of the madrassa was pillaged. Copies of Holy Quran, Hadith and other religious books were torn into pieces and thrown all the way from Tharaeykondan village to Alethankyaw, along the 4 mile long motor road.

The storehouse of madrassa was looted, and about 4200 kgs of rice with other foodstuff were carried away.

The madrassa provides food and lodging to 400 students. It  was closed weeks ago due to ethnic violence. But the beddings and other materials belonging to students, teachers and madrassa were stolen.  

RB News Desk
News Update:

Update News of July 9, 2012

Natala and security forces destroy Holly Qurans, religious books and vandalize religious school

Thayet Gonetan (Sairkongbow) Madrasa (Religious school) of Maungdaw Township had been vandalized by Natala villagers accompanied by security forces today at about 12:30pm, according to an elder from village.

“Seven security forces accompanied by 50-Natala villager from Sairkongbow Natala village went to the said Madrasa and destroyed all Holly Qurans and Hadith books which were thrown to the water and Maungdaw-Aley Thankyaw road after tearing up all the books.”

The religious school has nearly 400 students, but they went to their homes since June 8 after closing the madrasa, said a religious teacher.

“The Natala villagers took away all the beds of the students and 4,200- kg rice from the Madrasa, which is stored for the boarding students. The Madrasa is established on the eastern side of Maungdaw- Aley Than Kyaw road and the Rohingya village is established on the western side of the road. Seeing the security forces, villagers did not dare to go there for giving protection.”

Update news in Maungdaw

Police officer U Than Tin accompanied by some police and some local Rakhine goons went the house of Rafique, hailed from Ward No. 5 of Maungdaw Town, at about 11:00 am today and looted gold, money and other valuables, which cost nearly kyat 30 million. They also destroyed the jeep of Rofique.

The police officer also destroyed five Rohingya shops with the help of police and local Rakhine goons and took away all the goods, which will cost Kyat 100 million. The shop owners are identified as two brothers Yasin and Ismail, sons of Osman from Pandawpin village.

The police also went to Khari Para of Maungdaw town and looted goods from some of the houses and the Nasaka accompanied by Rakhine youths took away goats from Washa Para of Maungdaw south, today.

The Nasaka is using a new tactic to arrest Rohingya youths by checking the family lists. As a result, Rohingya youths are not able to stay at homes and passing nights without sleeping. Almost, Rohingya youths do not appear in front of the Nasaka to avoid arrest and so they are canceled from the family list.

The Rakhine community of Maungdaw north has been hoisting Rakhine religious flag in every house since yesterday.

Rathedaung Township:

Sayed Alam (30), son of Fazal Rahaman and Sultan Ahmed (35), son of Rashid Ahmed were tortured to death by the army on July 7 because of entering mosque for prayer.

Buthidaung Township:

About 700 Rohingya prisoners are languishing in Buthidaung jail, who were recently arrested by Nasaka police, army and Hluntin during the sectarian riots. They are tortured everyday and have no clothes for taking bath. No one is allowed to visit them.

Source : KPN 

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