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Asian Muslim Action Network (AMAN) Calls for Peace and Reconciliation in Myanmar

We the members of the Council of the Asian Muslim Action Network (AMAN),representing 15 countries in Asia express deep concern in the recent violent events taking place in Rakhine State, Myanmar which has resulted in deaths, missing persons, and the destruction of public and private property. We are also concerned that many internally displaced persons (IDPs) and those living in temporary shelters are in urgent need of humanitarian assistance including clean water, food, medicines and so on. Humanitarian agencies are unable to reach affected families with essential supplies due to government restrictions.We appeal to the Government of Myanmar:

1. To allow humanitarian agencies access to the affected families to provide emergency relief.

2. For an independent inquiry to establish the facts and identify the responsible persons to be brought to justice.Being fellow Asians, we ask leaders of the faith communities, the government authorities, civil society organizations and political leaders to initiate a dialogue toward building better understanding so that all communities can live in harmony. We also urge these communities to initiate a dialogue to evolve policies and mechanism which ensure equal participation, protection of human rights, and respect for plurality and diversity.

The AMAN Council
2nd July 2012

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