Arakan Situation News Update
Reported from Maung Ni Village this morning by Rahim, a victim who escaped the terrible incident on a close shave.
A joint group of Police, Lun-Htin (Security Forces), Sa-Ra-Pha (State Affairs Security) and local Rakhine thugs raided Maung Ni Village of Maung Daw, Arakan, Burma this morning at a time when everyone was sleeping and praying. Hence, everyone was unconscious about the raid.The Rohingya men are made into coma and unconscious state by beating with already designed and articulated weapons. By this means, they took away almost every man from the village by putting into four trucks to unknown locations. Besides, it is informed that the blood was dropping like rain all along the way from the trucks on which Rohingya men were taken away. According to the people in Arakan, the authorities have plans to do more such barbaric killings in other villages too.
The worst thing is that this plan to wipe out all Rohingyas from Arakan is supported by the Rakhine leaders in the country and abroad. They (the leaders of Rakhines) are saying "let's wipe out all these people. If International Court of Justice punish us for these killings, we (a few leaders of Rakhines) will plead guilty and take the punishments on behalf all Rakhine people. By no means, they (International Court of Justice) can punish all the Rakhines for the killings of these people." So, by this statement, it is very obvious that they have genocidal tendency against Rohingyas, who want to extinguish all Rohingyas from Arakan.
As it is known to everyone that Rohingyas in Arakan have been under threats and being killed by the authorities. Now, the situation has become worse as they have speeded up the killings. Please UN, International Criminal Court of Justice Amnesty International and other international communities, help out to save Rohingyas from being extinguished.
Report By :Mohammed S. Anwar
4 July, Wednesday Early morning: A joint raid in Maung Ni Village arrested at least 100 Rohingyans, 2 shot dead and the 8 other wounded..
(Pl see BRCA's press statement from the attached file)
As we, NDPHR received information, except from the 2 dead bodies, all of them including wounded people were taken by trucks after brutally beating until some got unconscious. The forces also did religious humiliations by kicking and pissing on the Holy Books, prayer-mats and in the mosque..
Sittwe Township
4 July, Wednesday
16:30pm: Four military forces who guard Aungmingala Quarter were beaten-up by a group of Rakhines near the central market as a result of they came to buy foods for Rohingyans. The money military have about four lakhs Kyat given from Rohingya villagers were also looted. Because of seriously injured, the military were admitted to hospital and the 3 related Rakhines were also arrested.
A few hour later, a group of Rakhines crossed Minbargyi Road and chanted to set fire the remaining houses..
Reported by : Habib (KL)