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U.S. Assistant Secretary of State urges Bangladesh, Burma to help Rohingyas

U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor MichaelPosner discusses the 2011 Human Rights Report on LiveAtState

By AP News Jun 29, 2012

WASHINGTON (AP) — The United States is calling on both Burma and neighboring Bangladesh to help the victims of recent communal violence in western Burma that left scores dead and thousands displaced.

Assistant secretary of state for human rights and democracy, Michael Posner, said Thursday the governments of both countries were obligated “to ameliorate this very challenging situation.”

Bangladesh has turned back more than 2,000 ethnic Rohingyas this month who tried to enter the country after clashes between Rohingyas and ethnic Rakhine Buddhists in Burma.

Posner said the U.S. has urged Bangladesh to open its borders in accordance with its international obligations under a refugee convention.

He said Washington was also very concerned about 15,000 people displaced inside Burma’s Rakhine state.

Posner was responding to a question submitted during a live webcast.

Source : AP

  1. I would like to request the USA and UN to immediately send independent inquiry commission Representatives to Arakan particularly to Sittwe before the situation twist to another dimension beyond control, the silent killing, burning houses,rape,arrest by the Extremist suppororted by law enforcing assgencis is still going on one by one in selected
    area in Arakan unknown to the world.
    We dont want to see Arakan become a new Afganistan.
    All Muslim Rohingya villages, places of worship and religious schools , their shops and stores must be restored at their original locations under the supervision of UN monitoring cell before an aparthide system is implemented by ruling Arakan Govt, with racial segregation in the name of safety meadsure to lie to the world.
    Arakan seems a time bomb and explode further,what happened is a systemetic controlled genocide planned well before execution under the cover of an isolated rape case in far away place of Sittwe which was appropriately managed by law resulting the death sentence by the respective agency.
    We dont want to see the UN and USA idly seeing the unexploded situation and then
    realise the real ending in surprise.
    In fact, the is a conspiracy to hinder current Reformist President Thein Sein's efforts to
    lead the country into a develped nation with guided democracy on the basis of peaceful co-existence in congenial atmosphere all over the country Myanmar by the enemies of peace and stability of Myanmar.

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