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Egypt activists to protest at Myanmar embassy over Rohingya attacks

Manar Ammar | 28 June 2012 |

                   Western Myanmar’s Rohingya Muslims face food shortages and ethnic violence.

CAIRO: Egyptian rights activists announced their solidarity with the under attack Muslim Rohingya community in Arakan, Myanmar, and plan to protest outside the Myanmar embassy later on Thursday.

“We are against exterminating peoples for their religion or beliefs,” said the invitation to action.

“The Arakan region has seen some serious human rights violations since the beginning of June where Muslims were attacked by Buddhists.”

The activists plan to gather in the upscale Cairo neighborhood of Zamalek at 5 PM to protest the ethnic violence outside of the embassy.

Some 30 Rohingya have been killed in violent clashes in Myanmar as a result of ethnic violence with Buddhists in the Western area.

The stateless community has struggled to find a positive way of life as many fled violence in Myanmar in the early 1980s.

The Rohingyas said the flare up of violence in Myanmar has claimed the lives of more than 1,000 people in the past three decades and they want an end to the alleged atrocities.

They want a UN peacekeeping force as well as a medical team to be sent there immediately.

Many fear that thousands of Rohingyas may be heading towards a crisis situation without food, shelter and medication.

Source : BM

  1. I'm so glad to heard that, We are one body. we are brothers and sisters all over the world.
    We will face for all rights. Allah gaves us strength of brotherhood.

  2. I would like to thanks all Egyptian muslim brothers and sisters and honer able President Mr Mohammad Moresi .......

  3. Thank you so much you all Egyptian who were gave a voice for Burma muslimi and you will be part of history our Rohingya Burma muslim. Allah is great. Thank you and thank You.

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