ဇြန္လ ၁၄ ရက္ေန႕ နွင့္ ၁၅ ရက္ေန့အထူးသတင္း။

ေမာင္ေတာ(ကုလားတန္) ။ ။ ေမာင္ေတာျမိဳ႕၊ ႏုရ္ရုလ္လာ ရြာတြင္ စစ္တပ္ကုိျမင္၍ ဘာသာေရး ေက်ာင္း ဘက္သုိ႕ လွန္႕ေျပးေနေသာ အသက္ ၁၈ အရြယ္ ေက်ာင္းသားတဦး ( မာမုန္ ေရာ္ရွိတ္ (ဘ) အဘူ ဆီဒိက္ ) အား ယေန႕ ေနလည္ အခ်ိန္တြင္ စစ္တပ္မွ ေသနတ္ျဖင့္ ပစ္သျဖင့္ ေျခေထာက္တြင္ ဒဏ္ရာ ရရွိ ေၾကာင္း သိရသည္။
ေမာင္ေတာျမိဳ႕ခုိင္ျပင္ေက်းရြာ အနီး ျဖဴးမေခ်ာင္းမွ တက္လာေသာ ရခုိင္လြတ္ေျမာက္ေရးပါတီ အဖြဲ႕ ဝင္ေဟာင္း ၁၂ ဦးကုိ ေအာက္တုိမီတိခ္ ရုိင္းဖယ္ ၈ လက္ ႏွင့္ ဓါးရွည္ ၈ လက္တုိ႕ ႏွင့္အတူ စစ္တပ္မွ မေန႕ညတြင္ ဖမ္းဆီးမိေၾကာင္း သိရသည္။၎တုိသည္ ဘဂၤါလာေဒရွ္ႏုိင္ငံ၊ တဲခ္နာဖ္ျမိဳ႕အပုိင္ ျမစ္နားရြာ ( ေခ်ာ္ဒါရီ ဖါရာ) မွ ေလွတစီးျဖင့္ ေမာင္ေတာသုိ႕ဝင္လာစဥ္ ဖမ္းဆီးေၾကာင္းျဖစ္သည္။၎တုိ႕ ၁၂ ဦးအား စစ္တပ္မွ နစက ဌာနခ်ဳပ္သုိ႕ ယေန႕ နံနက္ပုိင္းတြင္ ေပးပုိ႕ခဲ့ေၾကာင္း သိရသည္။
ရေသ့ေတာင္ျမိဳ႕နယ္ ဇူးျပင္၊ အေနာက္ျပင္၊ သရက္ျပင္၊ ျပိဳင္ေခ်ာင္း၊ သအုိးျပင္၊မုိဇင္ဒီယာ ႏွင့္ နီရာမ္ေဘာ္ ခါရာ ေက်းရြာမ်ားကုိ မေန႕ညအခ်ိန္တြင္ ရခုိင္မ်ားမွ ရြာလုံးကၽြတ္ မီးရွဴး တုိက္္ ခဲ့ေၾကာင္း ႏွင့္လူၾကီး ႏွင့္ ခေလး စုစုေပါင္း ၇၀၀ ကုိ သတ္ခဲ့ေၾကာင္း သတင္းရရွိသည္။ က်န္ရြာသားမ်ားသည္ ေတာင္ၾကားလမ္း မွ ေက်ာ္ျပီး ေဘာ္ေဆာ္ရာေက်းရြာသုိ႕ ယေန႕နံနက္ပုိင္းတြင္ ေရာက္ရွိခဲ့ေသာ္လည္း နစက မွ ႏွင္ထုတ္သျဖင့္ ၎တုိကမွ ၄င္းရြာမွ ေတာင္ၾကားဘက္သုိ႕ သြားေသာ္လည္း မည့္သည္ေန ရာသုိ႔ေရာက္သြားသည့္ကုိ မသိရေၾကာင္း၊ ၎တုိ႕၏ ကံၾကမၼာမည့္သုိ႕ျဖစ္မည္ကုိ မသိရေၾကာင္း သိရသည္။
Breaking News : The latest News in June 14
Maungdaw, Arakan State: : A Rohingya religious student –Mammon Rashid ,son of Abu Siddque- 18, was shot by army while running away to the religious school when he saw the army and he was wounded at his leg.
Army arrested 12 armed Rakhines -ex members of Arakan Liberation Party (ALP)- with 8 automatic Rifles and 8 long swords yesterday mid night at Ngakura village of Maungdaw northern while they were climbing towards the bank of Purma river near by Khine pin (Rakhine ) village. They went there by a rowing boat from Chowdary ( Mritna Yawa) para under Teknaf Upazila, Bangladesh . After arrest, they were sent to Burma border security force (Nasaka) Headquarters today morning.
Rarkhine killed about 700 men, women and children and burned down the whole village of Zofran, Ahhnawkpin, Tharakpin, Pinchaung, Kwedi Chaung, Thaoopin, Moezindeya and Nirambawkara villages of Rathidaung Township last night. Most of the people fled to Bawsara village of Rathidaung after crossing the mountain pass today early in the morning. But, they were pushed back to their original village by a group of Nasaka . But, their faith is unknown.
Breaking News : June 14 evening
10-Rohingya girls raped today in Maungdaw
Ms. Hamida (18), daughter of Rahim Ullah, Rahena (19), daughter of Ms. Momina and other six Rohingya girls from Baggona village and Hasina (18), daughter of Abdul Haque, Hamida (16), daughter of Baser and Nur Kaida (17), daughter of Habi Rahaman from Nurullah para were raped by army today.
In addition, army also looted properties of Rohingya villagers especially money, gold and silver from the villagers.
On the other side, army forced Rohingya villagers in Maungdaw south, with a marketing list which cost around 50,000kyat. The army threatened to kill the villagers, if not follow the ordered.
One Natala villager named Saw Maung (Rakhine) guided the operation against the Rohingyas at Nurullah Para.
Rohingya dead bodies’ bags seen in Maungdaw
12 bags of Rohingya’s dead bodies were seen under the bridge which connects ward number 5 and ward number 3 in Maungdaw. The legs of dead bodies are seen on the water. When the Rohingya from Ward number 5 tried to take out from the water, but, police arrived at the spot and surround. No one was allowed to go to the spot.
Robbery committed by army in Maungdaw
Army robbed the Rohingya villagers – Shamsu (40), Md. Johar (35), Foruk Ahmed (40) and Ismail (80) of Baggona under the Maungdaw Township today at about 2:00 pm, where Md. Johar was tortured seriously.
Army looted money and gold from the said villagers.
12-Rakhine with arms arrested in Maungdaw
Ms. Hamida (18), daughter of Rahim Ullah, Rahena (19), daughter of Ms. Momina and other six Rohingya girls from Baggona village and Hasina (18), daughter of Abdul Haque, Hamida (16), daughter of Baser and Nur Kaida (17), daughter of Habi Rahaman from Nurullah para were raped by army today.
In addition, army also looted properties of Rohingya villagers especially money, gold and silver from the villagers.
On the other side, army forced Rohingya villagers in Maungdaw south, with a marketing list which cost around 50,000kyat. The army threatened to kill the villagers, if not follow the ordered.
One Natala villager named Saw Maung (Rakhine) guided the operation against the Rohingyas at Nurullah Para.
Rohingya dead bodies’ bags seen in Maungdaw
12 bags of Rohingya’s dead bodies were seen under the bridge which connects ward number 5 and ward number 3 in Maungdaw. The legs of dead bodies are seen on the water. When the Rohingya from Ward number 5 tried to take out from the water, but, police arrived at the spot and surround. No one was allowed to go to the spot.
Robbery committed by army in Maungdaw
Army robbed the Rohingya villagers – Shamsu (40), Md. Johar (35), Foruk Ahmed (40) and Ismail (80) of Baggona under the Maungdaw Township today at about 2:00 pm, where Md. Johar was tortured seriously.
Army looted money and gold from the said villagers.
12-Rakhine with arms arrested in Maungdaw
Maungdaw, Arakan State: Twelve Rakhines with arms were arrested by army yesterday midnight while climbing up to Pruma river bank nearby Khain Paran (Rakhine) village from a small boat, said a village elder from the locality.
Yesterday, at 12:00 pm (midnight) 12-Rakhine with eight automatic rifles and eight long swords were arrested by patrol (army) at Ngakura village of Maungdaw north while climbing up from the Puma river bank from a small row boat,. They went to Khain Paran Para (Rakhine village) of Maungdaw from Myitna (Chowdary para), a Rkhine village of Nilla under the Teknaf police station, Cox’s Bazar district.
They are ex-armed members of Arakan Liberation Party (ALP) of Abakan, which recently made ceasefire agreement with Burmese government in Akyab (Sitwee), the capital of Arakan State, said another villager.
They pretended to be Nasaka (Burma’s border security force) of Nagkura Nasaka camp, but when the army confirmed whether they were Nasaka or not by contacting with the Nasaka camp, the Nasaka officer asked the patrol army, they were not Nasaka of the camp and then they were arrested by the patrol army.
On June 13, in the early morning, the arrested Rakhines carders were sent to Nasaka headquarters of Kawar Bill (Kyi Gan Pyin) of Maundaw Township, said a villager who saw the event.
But, after the incident broken out between Rohingyas and Rakhine at Maungdaw, inside and outside of Burmese with Rakhine people inside and outside of Arakan State told in printing and electronic media that the armed carders of Rohingya Solidarity Organization (RSO) entered north Arakan from Bangladesh which was given reference to a Facebook of Burma President office director and saying attacked the Rakhine villagers, killing Rakhines.
In reality, a group of Rakhines with the help of police and Hluntin attack the Rohingya villagers in Maungdaw and Sittwe (Akyab) by setting on fire of Rohingya houses, killing villagers, looting properties of Rohingya community. But, this incident is doctored that Rohingyas are killing Rakhine people, set on fire of Rakhine villages. Most of the media in Burma propagate that Rohingyas attacked Rakhine villagers, according to Rohingyas inside Arakan.
Some of the Rakhine ultra-nationalist group leaders are Hla Myint, Ni Maung Shwe, son of U Ni Maung, hailed from Ward No. 3, Maung Aye, son of U Aung Tun Sein of Ward No. 1, Than Kay, hailed from Ward No. 4, Kyaw Aye, Ward No.3, Paung Mee, the owner of the united rest house and Khin Maung, Ward No. 3 of Maungdaw town. They have been looting goods, killing many Rohingyas, therefore it is not a riot, but it is premeditated genocide against the Rohingyas, said a trader from Maungdaw.
“We have never heard of this kind of state emergency which is means only for one party, the other party is free whatever they want to do, they can. If the government has a political will, it can be controlled with an hour by sending army, said a politician inside Arakan.
Instead of neutral role of army, Rakhines are protected, the security of Rohingyas are kept at the mercy of police, Hluntin and Rakhine. This means to kill incentive to the Rakhines. It is to be noted that the emergency declared on Sunday is strictly enforced to the Rohingyas only, not to the other community (Rakhines).
The dead bodies of Akyab were sent to unknown places and took photographs after covering the dead bodies with robes of monks to dupe the people across the world, that Rohingyas killed the Buddhist monks, a villager from Akyab said.
Some of Rohingya refugees land on Bangladesh soil
Yesterday, at 12:00 pm (midnight) 12-Rakhine with eight automatic rifles and eight long swords were arrested by patrol (army) at Ngakura village of Maungdaw north while climbing up from the Puma river bank from a small row boat,. They went to Khain Paran Para (Rakhine village) of Maungdaw from Myitna (Chowdary para), a Rkhine village of Nilla under the Teknaf police station, Cox’s Bazar district.
They are ex-armed members of Arakan Liberation Party (ALP) of Abakan, which recently made ceasefire agreement with Burmese government in Akyab (Sitwee), the capital of Arakan State, said another villager.
They pretended to be Nasaka (Burma’s border security force) of Nagkura Nasaka camp, but when the army confirmed whether they were Nasaka or not by contacting with the Nasaka camp, the Nasaka officer asked the patrol army, they were not Nasaka of the camp and then they were arrested by the patrol army.
On June 13, in the early morning, the arrested Rakhines carders were sent to Nasaka headquarters of Kawar Bill (Kyi Gan Pyin) of Maundaw Township, said a villager who saw the event.
But, after the incident broken out between Rohingyas and Rakhine at Maungdaw, inside and outside of Burmese with Rakhine people inside and outside of Arakan State told in printing and electronic media that the armed carders of Rohingya Solidarity Organization (RSO) entered north Arakan from Bangladesh which was given reference to a Facebook of Burma President office director and saying attacked the Rakhine villagers, killing Rakhines.
In reality, a group of Rakhines with the help of police and Hluntin attack the Rohingya villagers in Maungdaw and Sittwe (Akyab) by setting on fire of Rohingya houses, killing villagers, looting properties of Rohingya community. But, this incident is doctored that Rohingyas are killing Rakhine people, set on fire of Rakhine villages. Most of the media in Burma propagate that Rohingyas attacked Rakhine villagers, according to Rohingyas inside Arakan.
Some of the Rakhine ultra-nationalist group leaders are Hla Myint, Ni Maung Shwe, son of U Ni Maung, hailed from Ward No. 3, Maung Aye, son of U Aung Tun Sein of Ward No. 1, Than Kay, hailed from Ward No. 4, Kyaw Aye, Ward No.3, Paung Mee, the owner of the united rest house and Khin Maung, Ward No. 3 of Maungdaw town. They have been looting goods, killing many Rohingyas, therefore it is not a riot, but it is premeditated genocide against the Rohingyas, said a trader from Maungdaw.
“We have never heard of this kind of state emergency which is means only for one party, the other party is free whatever they want to do, they can. If the government has a political will, it can be controlled with an hour by sending army, said a politician inside Arakan.
Instead of neutral role of army, Rakhines are protected, the security of Rohingyas are kept at the mercy of police, Hluntin and Rakhine. This means to kill incentive to the Rakhines. It is to be noted that the emergency declared on Sunday is strictly enforced to the Rohingyas only, not to the other community (Rakhines).
The dead bodies of Akyab were sent to unknown places and took photographs after covering the dead bodies with robes of monks to dupe the people across the world, that Rohingyas killed the Buddhist monks, a villager from Akyab said.
Some of Rohingya refugees land on Bangladesh soil
Teknaf, Bangladesh: Some of Rohingya refugees entered the Bangladesh without knowledge of Bangladesh authorities who have been floating since last Monday after fleeing from Akyab (Sittwe) of Burma.

More than 2,000 Rohingya refugees carrying by 13 boats and have been floating in the Naff River where to take refuge in Bangladesh to escape sectarian riots. Rohingyas are fleeing to Bangladesh from Akyab because of violence in Arakan State where Rohingya villages were burnt down and many innocent Rohingyas were killed by police, Hluntin and Rakhines.
According to Nazim Uddin, upazila Nirbahi Officer (UNO), some Burmese nationals (Rohingyas) had secretly entered into the territory of Bangladesh escaping strict vigilance.”
According to different sources, 39 victims of Rohingyas including women and children entered the Saint-Martin Island on June 12 and more than 200 entered into Shapuri Dip yesterday night.
Among them, some Rohingya refugees have been suffering from crisis of rations. There are some wounded persons and taking shelter in the local areas where they have been facing many difficulties.
A local source said on condition of anonymity that five Rohingya young girls have been missing from the groups who reached at Shapuri Dip yesterday night. They were kidnapped by a group of local youths and some local youths also tried to attempt to sexual assault to the women including girls. Some other Rohingya refugees are floating in the Naff River in the bad weather.
The local also said, most of the children are now suffering from diarrhea, phenomena, fever and cough who reached at the Bangladesh soil. It is very important to provide proper treatment and adequate food immediately by International Community and Bangladesh authorities because of heavy rain in the border.
According to an aide of BGB, despite several light signals the Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB men), who were out there to prevent Rohingya influx, could see no human movement or hails in the boat. It was quite difficult for them to get close to the boat as it was moving irregularly. When they managed to get close they found no one in the trawler.
He also said that he was surprised, as one of the BGB men went for a look in the dark engine room, he suddenly noticed movement of tiny hands and legs.
“It was a newborn baby,” Maj Saiful Wadud, the operation officer of BGB said that they had a tough time getting on to the unsteady boat and brought the baby out. It took them two and a half hours to execute the rescue.
Maj Saiful said, the baby was in a terrible condition and did not have the strength to even cry. The Major also said they had already informed the higher authorities of the matter and necessary steps would be taken.
BGB suspects that the trawler, in which the baby was, might have been attacked by robbers and the passengers abandoned the boat leaving the newborn behind.
BGB and locals provided the refugees with food, water and saline yesterday as the intruders had to be kept waiting in Bangladesh due to bad weather. They were finally escorted out of the territory around 5:00pm.
A Rohingya in tears pleads with BGB and Coast Guard personnel to be let ashore with his family on the Naf River near Teknaf yesterday. The border guards gave them water, food and fuel and sent them on their way back home from which they had run away, according to Daily Star.
On Tuesday, Foreign Minister Dipu Moni said at a news conference in Dhaka that it was “not in our best interest that new refugees come from Myanmar”.
Similarly, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) called on the Bangladesh government on Tuesday to let the Myanmar refugees enter the country who are fleeing sectarian violence in their country.

More than 2,000 Rohingya refugees carrying by 13 boats and have been floating in the Naff River where to take refuge in Bangladesh to escape sectarian riots. Rohingyas are fleeing to Bangladesh from Akyab because of violence in Arakan State where Rohingya villages were burnt down and many innocent Rohingyas were killed by police, Hluntin and Rakhines.
According to Nazim Uddin, upazila Nirbahi Officer (UNO), some Burmese nationals (Rohingyas) had secretly entered into the territory of Bangladesh escaping strict vigilance.”
According to different sources, 39 victims of Rohingyas including women and children entered the Saint-Martin Island on June 12 and more than 200 entered into Shapuri Dip yesterday night.
Among them, some Rohingya refugees have been suffering from crisis of rations. There are some wounded persons and taking shelter in the local areas where they have been facing many difficulties.
A local source said on condition of anonymity that five Rohingya young girls have been missing from the groups who reached at Shapuri Dip yesterday night. They were kidnapped by a group of local youths and some local youths also tried to attempt to sexual assault to the women including girls. Some other Rohingya refugees are floating in the Naff River in the bad weather.
The local also said, most of the children are now suffering from diarrhea, phenomena, fever and cough who reached at the Bangladesh soil. It is very important to provide proper treatment and adequate food immediately by International Community and Bangladesh authorities because of heavy rain in the border.
According to an aide of BGB, despite several light signals the Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB men), who were out there to prevent Rohingya influx, could see no human movement or hails in the boat. It was quite difficult for them to get close to the boat as it was moving irregularly. When they managed to get close they found no one in the trawler.
He also said that he was surprised, as one of the BGB men went for a look in the dark engine room, he suddenly noticed movement of tiny hands and legs.
“It was a newborn baby,” Maj Saiful Wadud, the operation officer of BGB said that they had a tough time getting on to the unsteady boat and brought the baby out. It took them two and a half hours to execute the rescue.
Maj Saiful said, the baby was in a terrible condition and did not have the strength to even cry. The Major also said they had already informed the higher authorities of the matter and necessary steps would be taken.
BGB suspects that the trawler, in which the baby was, might have been attacked by robbers and the passengers abandoned the boat leaving the newborn behind.
BGB and locals provided the refugees with food, water and saline yesterday as the intruders had to be kept waiting in Bangladesh due to bad weather. They were finally escorted out of the territory around 5:00pm.
A Rohingya in tears pleads with BGB and Coast Guard personnel to be let ashore with his family on the Naf River near Teknaf yesterday. The border guards gave them water, food and fuel and sent them on their way back home from which they had run away, according to Daily Star.
On Tuesday, Foreign Minister Dipu Moni said at a news conference in Dhaka that it was “not in our best interest that new refugees come from Myanmar”.
Similarly, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) called on the Bangladesh government on Tuesday to let the Myanmar refugees enter the country who are fleeing sectarian violence in their country.
Breaking News: Friday evening ( June 15, 2012) Stranded Rohingya boats in Naf River disappeared
Stranded Rohingya 15 boats in Naf River are disappearing with more than 2000 Rohingyas since early morning today who fleeing to Bangladesh because of violence by police, Hluntin and Rakhines.
The Rohingya who were drifting in the Naf River as the authority of Bangladesh didn’t allow to enter its land, hit heavy rain and windy since Wednesday night.
The stranded Rohingya boats are not seen in the Naf River today evening and no body know where the boat gone, according to local from Shapuri Dip.
People believe that those boats are missing in the heavy rain and windy with 35 fishing boats in the sea. The Bangladesh –Baurma border areas are under water for heavy rain and windy which started since Wednesday night.
4 Burma border security force (Nasaka) personnel from three mile check post raped a Rohingya woman – Kala Banu (not real name), (30) from Sammawna para near Myothu Gyi village today evening where the Nasaka personnel took all her goods. In this village, no men are living in the village only female are staying in their home to protect from looting. But, noe the Nasaka are going to rape the female as there are no men in the village.
Stranded Rohingya 15 boats in Naf River are disappearing with more than 2000 Rohingyas since early morning today who fleeing to Bangladesh because of violence by police, Hluntin and Rakhines.
The Rohingya who were drifting in the Naf River as the authority of Bangladesh didn’t allow to enter its land, hit heavy rain and windy since Wednesday night.
The stranded Rohingya boats are not seen in the Naf River today evening and no body know where the boat gone, according to local from Shapuri Dip.
People believe that those boats are missing in the heavy rain and windy with 35 fishing boats in the sea. The Bangladesh –Baurma border areas are under water for heavy rain and windy which started since Wednesday night.
4 Burma border security force (Nasaka) personnel from three mile check post raped a Rohingya woman – Kala Banu (not real name), (30) from Sammawna para near Myothu Gyi village today evening where the Nasaka personnel took all her goods. In this village, no men are living in the village only female are staying in their home to protect from looting. But, noe the Nasaka are going to rape the female as there are no men in the village.