Massacre of Muslim pilgrims by the gang of Rakhine terrorists in Taunggote town condemned and exemplary punishment against the culprits demanded
The undersigned organisations have strongly condemned the massacre of 10 Muslims, including 8 pilgrims, at 3 p.m. on 3 June 2012, by an organized terrorist gang of Rakhines at Taunggote, in southern Arakan State, Burma.
While the victims were on their way back from Sandoway to Yangon in a bus, Rakhine terrorists set upon it and massacred 8 Muslim pilgrims along with the driver and a caretaker. However, 5 Muslims could escape the carnage. The culprits were celebrating triumph spitting and tossing the wine and alcohol on the dead bodies lying on the road.
The names of the 8 murdered pilgrims were: (1) Muhammed Sharief (a) U Ne Pwe (58) NRC No. 8/Ta Ka Ta (N) 095548, (2)Muhammed Hanif (a) U Maung Ni (65) NRC No. Ta Ka Ta (N) 095530, (3) Shafield Bai (a) U Aye Lwin (52) NRC No. 8/Ta Ka Ta (N) 094557, (4) Aslam Bai (a) U Aung Myint (50) NRC No. 8/Ta Ka Ta (N) 094557, (5) Balai Bai (a) Tayzar Myint (28) NRC No. Ta Ka Ta (N) 189815, (6) Shuaib (a) Tin Maung Htwe (21) NRC No. 8/Ta Ka Ta (N) 231084, (7) Salim Bai (a) Aung Bo Bo Kyaw (26) NRC No 14/Ma La Na (N) 231084, (8) Lukman Bai (a) Za Nyi Nyi Htut (33) NRC No 14/Ma La Na (N) 148133.
In recent months anti-Rohingya propagandas have been carried out by Rakhine extremists and xenophobes inside and outside of Burma harping on the old tune, “Rohingya is not a nationality in Burma, they are illegal immigrants from Bangladesh” with intent to exterminate them ultimately. Surprisingly, these organized efforts have been carried out in line with the recent statements of some responsible ministers and authorities of the ruling government. Nevertheless, the rejection of Rohingya coupled with continued persecution and ‘Rakhine terrorism’ against them indicates the early sign of genocide in Arakan.
However, the government is fully responsible for law and order situation in the whole country. It should not make the Muslims scapegoats, but it has full responsibility to protect rights, honour and dignity of all citizens.
Meanwhile, we reiterate that Arakan is a diverse society with two major peoples of Muslim Rohingyas and Buddhist Rakhines. We believe that ‘peaceful co-existence’ among all the peoples of Arakan and Burma is imperative for the restoration of democracy, promotion of human rights and perpetuation of peace and prosperity in the country. It is high time, for all compatriots, to actively pursue a ‘policy of peace and reconciliation’ and work in unison for the future of the country and for our generations to come.
We demand the ruling government of U Thein Sein to immediately conduct an impartial, comprehensive investigation and take exemplary action against the culprits in the interest of peace and security in the region.
We urge upon the international community with the UN, OIC, EU, ASEAN, USA and the governments of the world, international human rights organisations and NGOs to put effective pressure on the ruling Burmese government for the protection and security of life, property, dignity and honour of the Rohingya and Muslim minority in Burma.
Signatories to this joint statement:
- National Democratic Party for Human Rights (in Exile)
- Arakan Rohingya National organisation (ARNO),
- Burmese Rohingya Organisation UK (BROUK),
- Burmese Rohingya Association Japan (BRAJ)
- Burmese Rohingya Community in Australia (BRCA)
- Burmese Rohingya Association in Thailand (BRAT)
- Rohingya League for Democracy (Burma) (RLDB)
- Rohingya Community in Norway (RCN)
For more information, please contact:
U Hla Aung +33-629258793
Aman Ullah +880-15584 86910
Tun Khin + 44- 788 871 4866