Washington. D.C. Prof. Dr. Wakar Uddin, Director General of Arakan Rohingya Union (ARU) and Chairman of the Burmese Rohingya Association of North America (BRANA), accompanied by Nay San Oo, the Information Secretary of BRANA, met with U.S. State Department’s Policy Coordinator for Burma, Ambassador Derek Mitchell, on Friday, May 11, 2012. The meeting was part of the ongoing coordination of ARU and BRANA with U.S. State Department for seeking a peaceful solution for Rohingya political and human right issues in Burma. No details of the meeting are available at this point. BRANA, a signatory of ARU, is dedicated to resolution of Rohingya issues on the principle of engagement with various sectors and entities in Burma through building mutual understanding and trust following a process with transparency.
Prof. Dr. Wakar Uddin meets with Ambassador Derek Mitchell at the State Department. |
Ambassador Derek Mitchell, Prof. Dr. Wakar Uddin, and BRANA Information Secretary Nay San Oo at the State Department.
Rohingyas should get their rights.
Help the Rohingyas,ethnic minority of Burma , the founder of golden Arakan, they have been established in the land of Arakan more than 1300 years ago, before Islam came to India subcontinent.So world records giving proofs that the Rohingyas are originated from the land of Arakan. So try to get Rohigyas original right for sake of God.Each and every has duty to fight for Rohingyas fundamental rights.
Anybody has been doing the politics and activist for Democracy becomes in Arakanland, very very thankful all Rohingya brothers and Sisters but one thing is noticed by all Rohingya People our problem never could be solved without 1 11 47.
Great good job. Keep discussing please. One-day, the truth will appear.