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Sign the Petition to Clinton: Stop Human Rights Abuses and Free All Political Prisoners

Secretary Clinton will go to Burma on Thursday, December 1, 2011. We need to ensure that she pressures the Burmese military regime to end the systematic and widespread human rights and mass atrocities they continue to commit against civilians. Sign this petition to Secretary Clinton to urge her to turn her words into action and secure an end to the egregious crimes against humanity the Burmese Army continues to commit against ethnic minority civilians.

Dear Secretary Clinton, 

We are glad that you are showing strong concern for the situation in Burma. We urge you, on your upcoming trip, to secure an end to the egregious crimes against humanity the Burmese Army continues to commit against ethnic minority civilians and the release of all Burma's political prisoners. In the past seven months there has been a serious uptick in human rights violations committed by the Burmese army, including the largest forced displacement in a decade of over 100,000 new internally displaced persons, renewed armed conflict with 3 separate decades old ethnic ceasefire groups, an increase in the use of rape as a weapon of war, forced labor, torture, extrajudicial killings and the use of human shields. Justice is a crucial part of national reconciliation in any country. Burma cannot move forward until these attacks stop and the rule of law are realized. 

It is also very crucial to encourage Burma’s authorities to realize the international community’s longstanding call for a tri-partite dialogue between the regime, Aung San Suu Kyi, and ethnic nationality leaders. Without a concerted high-level engagement that includes Burma’s ethnic minorities, any hopes for true democratic reform will not materialize. 


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Credit : USCB

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