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Rohingya pregnant woman beaten by NASAKA Official in Arakan, Burma

Maungdaw, Arakan State: Members of Burma’s border security force (Nasaka) forcibly entered a house from in the Litra (Kurkhali) village area of Maungdaw North on November 16, at midnight, said a schoolteacher who preferred not to be named.

The house belonged to a Monsur Alam who was away at his business during the incident, though his wife was home.

The Nasaka members, of whom there were three, did a thorough search of the house, claiming to be searching for an illegal mobile phone. They were accompanied by 4 local collaborators. While in the house, they broke into an iron box and took 125,000 kyats belonging to Alam and his wife.

Alam’s wife Fatema Khatun and his mother Roshida Begum were severely beaten for offering resistance. Fatema Khatun was nine months pregnant, said a relative of Monsur Alam.

The next day, Khatun went with her husband to the Kawar Bill Nasaka HQ. They reported the incident to the duty officer but that officer declined to take immediate action. The couple returned home unsatisfied, said a local trader quoting Alam.

Subsequently, Alam was summoned by Area Commander Major Kyaw Aung to the Nasaka Office 4 for questioning but did not go for fear of arrest or harassment.

A local businessman complained, “Why did the Nasaka take away his money after they failed to find any illegal mobile sets?”

A local elder thought it suspicious that the seven had forced their way into the house while only women were present and without a village administrative officer present.

A local youth gave the names of the collaborators as Faizal , Dulaya, Alam Gir, and Ayub.

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  1. Until and unless the members of Rohingya Community stop this collaboration habit, The Rohingyas can't proceed towards development in any sectors. Wake up, Rohigya brothers and sisters. Let us come together and stand united.

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