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Rohingya faces difficulty to move in Maungdaw , Arakan State

Maungdawm, Arakan State: The Rohingya community is facing recently difficulty to move from one place to another in Maungdaw, said a village trader from the locality who denied to be named. 

“Today, at about 10:00 am, a group of Burma’s border security force( Nasaka) from Nari Bill Nasaka camp under the Nasaka area No.6, of Maungdaw Township went to the nearby Amina Bazar and barred the Rohingya villagers to go to market without National Identity cards. There was no advanced warning to the villagers regarding the market goers.” 

“Suddenly, the Nasaka went to a road nearby Mina Bazar, and barred the villagers to go to market without ID cards. Villagers are surprised that they have never carried ID cards to go to market. Therefore, villagers returned to their homes without any marketing or selling any goods in the market, said a villager from the locality.

“This is nothing, but only harassment to the Rohingya villagers,” said a local youth. 

“The Rohingya are moving within the town like markets and villages without carrying their ID cards. No one ask them the ID cards when they went to market.” 

Another local elder said, “It is a deliberate action against the Rohingya community.” 

There are Bazaar days on Saturday and Tuesday in a week, so that the local people can buy and sell their goods and fulfill their necessities.

On the other hand, a group of Rakhine youth gathered in front of Maungdaw Juma Mosque (Big Mosque) with alcohol (local wine) bottles to drink at about 9:00pm yesterday night where some Rohingya youth opposed such kind of behavior are not allowed in front of Islam religious area which become tension between them. Some Rohingya elders informed to the concerned authority about the event and the authority solved peacefully the tension. The Rakhine youth groups left the place, said an elder from Maungdaw.

“The complaint was filed in Maungdaw police station and informed other concerned authority.

Credit : Kaladan press

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