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Response to Linn Myat Taw Da

PDP Office <> 

The fellow, Linn Myat Taw Da is a very rude person. 

A pure Arakan is not as rude as him. Buddhist children were properly trained by their parents since they were young. They were not allowed to exchange conversation with the elders rudely. I am a 100% Arakan. All of my families including my parents were Khamee tribes and born in Mayuk Oo area.

 We all are devoted Buddhists and staunch followers of the teaching of Buddhist. We pay respect and homage to strangers as our parents taught us or as we had learned from books. Unfortunately, we all know about Linn Myat. He is giving the impression to the readers as if he is an Arakan and Arakan Patriot. He also gives an impression as if he is living abroad. We all witness that he was cursing the Burmese people the whole year in many ways. Now, he is not only insulting the people of Burma, he is insulting ex-Prime Minister U Nu who, in one part of his life, was a spiritual

leader, who used to give spiritual guidance to the people of Burma how to live as good citizens and Buddhists. We can see Linn Myat's writings in the internet. He cannot lie this fact. He is an army dog, agent of the military regime, working according to their instructions. I wonder, why those who are organising internet-groups which provide opportunities to the democratic forces to exchange their political views, do not block such rude-emails. We should be careful that military agents including ex-Socialist Youth, who were recruited by General Ne Win to work for him, might be still showing their loyalties to General Ne Win's policies, anti-Rohingyas, and infiltrating among us through exchanging their political views through internet-groups. What I can see is, those internet-groups are allowing the Ne Win's and military regime's agents to contribute their views in their internet-groups without applying any censor. 

The issue of Rohingya is not the urgent issue to touch it now. But the military regime does not care anymore about the minority issue or opposition parties' issues. The reason is, the military regime infiltrated their moles 23 years ago inside the NLD, such as U Tin On, U Aung Shwe and U Kyi Maung, who were the members of the Central Military Committee. Those military-slaves are until now receiving monthly salaries. Because of such arrangement, SPDC has already controlled the NLD party in their hands. Similarly, on the minority issue, the military regime treated them as the cat playing with the victim, by arresting them, releasing them again and again for many times. It is now over 23 years that the minorities were treated as victims and they do not have any time to work for the country. If we are going this way, even if it takes another hundred years, those victims would not escape from the military operations launched by the military regime. We only will see that Than Shwe's grandson Phoe Hla Pye will become the president of Burma. You can wait and see if you do not believe my prediction. I am giving you another warning again.

Now, Than Shwe and the military Junta do not need to play with the opposition parties and the minorities. They recruited their military-slaves and give special assignment to win over the minorities. They also create racial crisis as the way General Ne Win applied during his time. Wait and see. It has been a long time since they had asked their military-dogs living abroad to use any means to create a racial crisis. They had already separated among minorities; they had recruited individual minority and groups by using bribery. The current last stage is this, they had already attacked Rohingya based on religious and racial issues. We all know that Rohingya gave their support to the NLD and Daw Aung San Suu Kyi for over 20 years. What is happening now? They are going to play a three-card trick, by misleading those Buddhists living inside and out of Burma. U Tin Oo from the NLD GHQs showed his nature as the way the cat treats to the victims.

 They are going to launch an attack to the Rohingyas. Rohingya is not the main target of the military regime. Their main targets are ex-Premier U Nu who had recognised Rohingya and the Parliamentary Democracy Party – the PDP (Burma), which was founded by him. U Nu'sParliamentary Democracy Party is now joined by most minorities and it is now making its bases along the borders with the strength of tens of thousands. The PDP does not make propaganda campaign or use boastful rhetoric, but sincerely declared that the PDP will fight against the military regime by launching armed resistance. Please study the PDP statements released through Web pages. Those Rohingyas who are now living abroad should be alert themselves. They must know that they must not enter the trap of the military regime. You must be careful that you must not create division among other tribes living inside Burma. You must not attack any Burmese citizen. You must not curse or condemn the Buddhist religion.

By enforcing the 2008 Constitution, which was forcefully drawn by USDA members formed of 100% ex-army officers and the ranks and files of the Judicial Department which supported the military regime throughout its rule, they are claiming to build a new Union of Burma. They are now also tactfully using the victims NLD party, and pushing it to the front of the political stage, so that they will be able to successfully campaign 'Reunification of all the ethnics' and launching racial and religious war against the Rohingyas. Because of such situation, I would like to remind all the people of Burma to be alert with the military regime's three-card tricks and not to allow yourselves to be used by the military regime. 

Aung Zan Way, 
(Private No.PON-238),
 Myauk Oo Township, Khamee (Arakan), PDP.

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