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A letter to Daw Aung San Su Kyi by Afk-Jilani about U Tin Oo`s interview with RFA

Daw Aung San Suu Kyi
Secretary General
NLD, Rangoon, Burma

Dated 5 October, 2011.

Dear Madam,
I, as a founder member of the Arakan State NLD (together with U Oo Saw and U Ba Daung) and as a NLD candidate contested in 1990 general election and as an author of a book "Aung San Suu Kyi - The Lady of Destiny," strongly protest the baseless, bias and racist statement of U Tin Oo in an interview with RFA on 2 October 2011, regarding the(Rohingya) Muslims of Arakan. We are outraged, shockd and dismayed for his blunt statement forgetting the real history of Arakan.

In 1959, with the order of U Tin Oo Rohingya people from 24 villages of Maungdaw North and 8 villages from Buthidaung North were by force driven out to the then East Pakistan. Many houses were brunt down and many females were raped. In his visit to Akyab in1988,when we asked about it, he replied that at that time he was a soldier and his age was 30s and now [1988] he was a politician and his age was 65.At the age of 30s he had thrown 32 Rohingya villagers to the then East Pakistan, now at the age of 88 U Tin Oo is trying to make 3 million Rohingyas stateless and hopeless.

He should learn the history. History says Rohingyas were the descendants of the original [Indo-Aryan]people of the soil and others were after the Mongolian invasion in 10th century He should also read the report of the NLD [acting] Secretary General U Chit Khine report at grand Gandhi Hall NLD Conference in 1988 where it is clearly declared that the NLD had recognized Rohingyas as an indigenous ethnic group of Burma. Thank you Madam!
Please accept the assurance of my highest esteem.

Yours faithfully,
Abul Faiz
Arakan State NLD founder member and Organiser
Tel :+ 880 1674811079

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