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ARNO denounces Vandalism against Buddah images in Sittwe/Akyab

Arakan Rohingya National Organisation (ARNO) strongly denounced the act of vandalism against three Buddha images by unknown muggers in Sittwe/Akyab, the capital of Arakan State, Burma.

Quoting local residents from Akyab, the Narinjara reports “the indecorous painting on the faces of those images were done on the 23rd of September has grown anger among the local Buddhist people who worship with those images. They have suspected the Muslims living near the monastery did those blasphemous insults and have already complained of the matter to the chief minister of the state. The problem may become bigger if the authorities do not mediate in the matter.”

During recent months a rumour has been spread that a pernicious communal riot is being premeditated under the patronage of the administration causing consternation among the Muslim Rohingyas of Arakan, who are living in sub-human condition with no basic freedoms. This irreverence is unthinkable on the part of the Muslim Rohingyas, who highly respect the religious sanctity of any people. 
This is a sacrilegious act aims at playing with the religious sentiment of the people with intent to cultivate hatred and communal hullabaloo between the two sister communities of Buddhist Rakhines and Muslim Rohingyas. We cannot accept this profanation and again condemned it in strongest term. 

Given the past experiences and based on the current atmosphere of disorientation, this sacrilege is largely believed to have been planned and done by the regime and the persons with vested interest. Time and again communal riots were incited and carried out in Arakan and rest of the country where Muslims were made scapegoats in order to divert the attention of the people away from the country’s political misfortune, social tragedies and economic shambles. Five innocent Muslim Rohingyas were arrested from Akyab on suspicion, but without any clue, creating lots of confusion in the minds of the people. We are afraid they would not be treated with due fairness.

We urge upon all communities, particularly the Rakhine and Rohingya peoples, not to be confused and provoked by this blasphemous act and exercise maximum restraint in the interest of peace and stability as well as for the future of our generations.

Meanwhile, an independent and impartial inquiry may be conducted to bring the culprits to the book.

For further information, please contact:
Nurul Islam: + 44 07947854652 
AFK Jilani: + 880 1674811079

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