Rohingya issue raise in First Pyithu Hluttaw second regular section
In the 1911 census, the Rohingyas were included with the Indian population as an ethnic group Indian origin. The reason given was that they looked more like Indians than like Burmese. On the other, the census of 1921 mentions the Rohingyas as really Arakanese. But so close to Indians that "the phenomenon is as much an annexation of India.... 44However, these census anomaly of counting the Rohingyas as Indians no doubt contributed to the present controversy over the Rohingyas origin in Burma. But the Rohingyas claim that in terms of their culture they are neither Indian nor Burmese. A British army officer, who served in the Arakan front during the Second World War remarked about the ethnic character of the Arakan Muslims as follows:
How the shameless Immigration Minister of Thien Sein's Govt. U Khin Ye answered the question of USDP MP Zahid Rhaman Tay Win, A Rohingya elected from Constituency 7 Arakan. Read as below newspapers.
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