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BROUK Welcomes OIC resolution on Burmese Muslims

We, Burmese Rohingya Organisation UK (BROUK) welcomes the OIC (Organisation of Islamic Cooperation) resolution no 4/38-MM “on the situation of Muslim community in Myanmar” on 38th Session of Council Foreign Ministers.

• Calls on Member states to extend all in possible forms of support and assistance to Burmese Muslims and particularly to those among them living as refugees outside their homeland.

• Calls upon on the government of Burma to put an end the operations of displacement, expulsion and exile of Rohingya Muslims and to the continued attempt to eradicate their Islamic Culture and identity, and urges Government authorities to respect the text of international legitimacy on Human Rights.

• Expresses deep concern over the continued monumental violations of the rights of Rohingya Muslims in the Arakan region of Burma, requests the Secretary General to continue his efforts to end these practices in coordination with the international community together with International and regional Organizations, and continue those efforts in the context of dialogue, reconciliation and coordination among Islamic Organizations in Burma.

BROUK would like to give heartfelt thanks to the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation Members of the Council Foreign Ministers for this significant resolution on Burmese Muslims particularly highlighting Rohingya ethnic issues. 

We also would like to urge OIC Secretary-General to follow up the implementation of above resolution and report thereon to the 39th session of the Council of Foreign Ministers.

Ahamed Jarmal
General Secretary
Burmese Rohingya Organisation UK (BROUK).

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